Sold 7,1M GP - 3 GLs: JMK, JMLS (R8) SEE (R6) | Close LV | Exe (7) | Malgus, CAT, Maul, Boba, Starkiller

Discussion in 'Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell SWGOH Account' started by QLC, 12/25/22.

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  1. QLC

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    Discord: Quim#3389
    Verified Status: This user has completed basic background and ID verification Silver Status: This user has successfully completed 15+ middleman transactions

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  2. OP

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    Discord: Quim#3389
    Verified Status: This user has completed basic background and ID verification Silver Status: This user has successfully completed 15+ middleman transactions

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    300 USD:
    (7,1M GP - 3 GLs: JMK, JMLS (R8) SEE (R6) | Close LV | Exe (7) | Malgus, CAT, Maul, Boba, Starkiller)
    GP: 7,1M | Zetas: 158 | Omicrons: 9 | 7★: 207 | G13: 86 | R9: 1 | R8: 10
    3 GLs: JMK (R8) JMLS (R8) SEE (R6)
    Close Lord Vader
    Malgus: [​IMG] CAT: [​IMG] Maul: [​IMG] Boba: [​IMG] Ben Solo: 135/330
    Grand Inquisitor: [​IMG] Starkiller: [​IMG] KAM: 5★ 21/85 Wat Tambor: [​IMG]
    7★ Executor, 7★ Negotiator, 6★ Malevolence, 7★ Finalizer, 7★ Raddus
    Sçythe: 0/330 Interceptor: 6★ 44/100 Razor Crest: [​IMG]
    Mod Quality: 3.52 | Speed mods (20+): 48 | Speed mods (25+): 6
    Original Owner: Yes Time Zone Changes remaining: 2
    No datacrons
    Added: 06 November 2022 Owner: NoToRiOuS (Discord)

    Last price update: --- Last roster update: 25 December 2022
    #2 QLC, 12/25/22
    Last edited: 12/28/22
  3. OP

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    Discord: Quim#3389
    Verified Status: This user has completed basic background and ID verification Silver Status: This user has successfully completed 15+ middleman transactions

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    #3 QLC, 12/25/22
    Last edited: 12/28/22
  4. OP

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    Discord: Quim#3389
    Verified Status: This user has completed basic background and ID verification Silver Status: This user has successfully completed 15+ middleman transactions

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    Discord: Quim#3389

    WhatsApp: +34 684 21 75 56


    Instagram: QUIMLC

    Telegram: QUIMLC

    Twitter: QUIMLC

    Languages: English, Español & Català

    I do a 24 hours/day live streaming on YouTube. You can join in the YouTube link above and you will see my live streaming.

    The live streamings are to demonstrate that I'm a trusted seller, as no scammer would show the face on Internet.

    Usually I'm front the webcam from 17:00 to 20:00 GMT-3 (Argentina) and from 22:00 to 03:00 GMT-3. Sundays and some days from 17:00 to 03:00 GMT-3. Rest of time I'm sleeping, in the gym or doing other things. I reply messages when I'm away, so send me a message and I will reply you instantly or when I'm available.



    In my Discord server you can find some of the owners, to talk with them directly, for if you want ask something about the account.

    Anyway, they, as owners, will be interested to use my service for a safe transfer and you, as buyer, also should be interested to use me as middleman to assure the owner transfers you correctly the account and that lost the access in all mails and devices, if you try to do a pact excluding me is very risky. The owner is who pays my fee, so for you, as buyer, not has any cost my service, is subtracted in the owner benefit. For the owners not worth avoid my service to save some money, as is very easy be scammed by a buyer if is paid by PayPal. I use a different PayPal method, explained in the next section, which assures the security for the owner and the buyer.

    Inside my Discord server I do auctions. When some buyer is searching some concrete account with a budget limit, inside the auction channel I will publish the minimum features the buyer is searching and the budget limit. Then, the owners can offer their accounts matching or reducing the price.

    My Discord server also is useful to see announcements about my activity, like if I add some interesting tool for the method, and to check the pending list, for if I have pending work, to check approximately when I will be working on your account.
    #4 QLC, 12/25/22
    Last edited: 12/28/22
  5. OP

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    Discord: Quim#3389
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    To be sure that the owner of the account will not connect again in the account, I apply an unique system which deletes the account in all mails and devices of the owner.

    I am the only seller who uses that method. Rest of methods of other sellers and owners are not safe, as is possible link the account in multiple mails and devices and sell it several times. Maybe the owner or the seller give you the mail and password, but has it linked in a second mail and sell it again, scamming you and the next buyers.

    If the owner has the account linked on an Android and iOS devices at same time, the access is removed in both platforms. Also is removed if has several mails with the account linked on Google Play Games (Android) and/or Game Center (iOS).

    My method starts with the owner linking the account to my device.

    After it, the buyer sends me the money.
    If is paid by PayPal, as the digital accounts are not included in the seller protection, only in the buyer protection , to be safe for the owner and prevent that the buyer opens a dispute to request a refund, once transferred correctly the account, first is needed send me the money as "friend or family" by PayPal and, once the account has been linked to the buyer, I will send the money to the owner by PayPal as "goods or service", by this way if some day appears some problem with the account and is needed open a dispute, as the buyer demonstrated me the problem and is clear is an owner fault, then I will open a dispute against the owner to recover the money and send it back by PayPal or bank transfer to the buyer. There is 180 days buyer protection. This method prevents the PayPal scams from the buyers, which are more common than the scams from the owners.

    After the payment
    , I delete the owner access in all mails and devices and starts the link to the buyer device.

    This method works in all platforms: Android (Google Play Games) and iOs (Game Center). You will be able to link the account in your Android devices (phones, tablets and emulators), in your iOS devices (iPhone and iPad) or in both platforms and several devices and mails at same time. The instructions are sent by private message on Discord. I cannot tell the instructions here in public, as would teach the scammers.

    After it, I
    do a video screen recording showing how I replace the account linked in my device by a guest account level 6, by this way the buyer can be sure that the owner and me not have access anymore to the account.

    The account can be linked in all mails you want, is not important if the owner had it linked on Android or iOS, you will be able to use your own main mail.

    Other sellers only transfer a mail and password, so you need use a mail that another guy registered, which is not very pleasurable and not very safe, as they can use some mail recovery function, which is specially easy on Google Play Games accounts, with the Google Account Recovery function. Also there is the risk that the mail gets blocked because of suspicious activity, which happens when are people in different countries.

    In best of cases, the other sellers help to link in new mails, but then you need switch mails, which is specially annoying in iOS devices if you use several accounts, as you need write the mail and password and complete the verification each time.

    In my method, if you use 2 accounts, you can link one in the main Apple ID, the same you use in your iOS device configuration, by this way when you connect to Game Center is an automatic connection without verification. Then, you can have the other one linked in the guest account, by this way only disconnecting the main Apple ID on Game Center you will swtich accounts, will not be needed connect another mail, writing the mail and password, and will not be needed do the verification.

    In my method is not transferred the original mail and password, as could be considered as illegal account transfer if you use the same Google Play Games profile in a different country, as happened to the best streamer of this game, AhnaldT101, he got banned his second account because of this reason, he bought an asian account and was purchasing items in the Play Store with the asian prices, which are cheaper, so got banned. Always is better use your own mail, which will have the correct country and the correct Store prices, and link there the account, or create a new one. On iOS devices directly is not possible buy items in the App Store if you not use your own mail.

    Is an advantage for the owner also, as the owner doesn't need deliver the main mail, which maybe also is being used for other games, has apps and items purchased in the Play Store or App store, is the mail used for the configurations in the device or is an important personal mail. Is not needed transfer the mail, the owner keeps the mail, the access to the account through the owner mail will be removed by my unique system, the buyer will use the main mail, or a new mail, where will link the new account. We will never know the mail of the owner and, logically, neither the password.

    Also you can check in my PlayerUp profile that I have more than a hundred of positive feedbacks, you can check that I'm a verified member since 28th January 2017, a lot of years ago, so it means that all my costumers are happy with their accounts.

    [​IMG] The "Verified" status means that PlayerUp verified my identity with documentation, with a national identity document and a bill. No scammer would do that step, as would be very easy put a lawsuit.

    [​IMG] The "Silver" status means that I completed more than 20 Middleman transactions, you can check »»here«« the info about these membership levels. Also take into account that per every PlayerUp Middleman transaction I sold another 7 or 8 accounts with other sites or payment methods, usually my total sold accounts is around 5 times my feedbacks.

    This is the
    link to access directly to my PlayerUp profile with the feedbacks:

    I do 24 hours live streaming every day to demonstrate I'm a trusted seller. The owners and the buyers are more confidence to sell/buy through me, because I not have any problem to show my face on Internet. I share all my social networks, where you can see more pics and videos about me, like my Facebook and, specially, my Instagram, where I constantly publish pics and videos about myself.

    Furthermore, since 2007 I have an own weight loss method, I helped hundreds of people to improve their health and lose weight, you can check my method in my website and my YouTube channel, where I have more than 1.200 subscribers and more than 1,3 million views. You can use Google Translator to translate my website to English, as is written in Spanish, if you press in the link you will do it automatically. In my website you can see more info, pics and videos about me and check that I'm someone who not only do a freak activity, like help to sell accounts, also I do a good contribution for the world, like help to improve the health of hundreds of people.

    Logically, no scammer would do all I do, so you can trust that I will not do anything against you, like when you do the first part of my method, the link of your account to my device, since then only me have access to the account, you not have access, so, if I was a scammer, I would be able to sell your account by myself and get all the profit of this transaction, but, logically, I will not do that, after link to me the account and replace it in your device, the buyer will do the payment, I will help the buyer to link the account and I will replace my guest account by another level 6 account, showing the video to the buyer about this process, by this way will be sure that is the only one with access to it from then. If after all of this still you have the very crazy thought that there is some chance to be scammed by me, then please don't contact me, I not want help you, publish your own thread and sell the account by yourself.
    #5 QLC, 12/25/22
    Last edited: 12/28/22
  6. OP

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    Discord: Quim#3389
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    PayPal (Bank card or PayPal funds): This method includes 180 days buyer protection.

    As the digital accounts are not included in the seller protection, only in the buyer protection, to be safe for the owner and prevent that the buyer opens a dispute to request a refund, once transferred correctly the account, first is needed send me the money as "friend or family" by PayPal and, once the account is transferred and the buyer has the control of it, I will send the money to the owner by PayPal as "goods or service", by this way if some day appears some problem with the account and is needed open a dispute, as the buyer demonstrated me the problem and is clear is an owner fault, then I will open a dispute against the owner to recover the money and send it back by PayPal or bank transfer to the buyer. This method prevents the PayPal scams from the buyers, which are more common than the scams from the owners.

    This is the best method because is much cheaper, without fees. PlayerUp has a 7% fee in most of payment methods, like bank card or PayPal, so you will be paying 7 USD per every 100 USD, 35 USD per every 500 USD or 70 USD in a 1.000 USD account.

    Furthermore, is included a 180 days insurance, with 100% chance to win the dispute, as on PayPal the digital products are not included in the seller protection, only in the buyer protection. On PlayerUp, if you want purchase an insurance, it has a cost of between 30 and 40 USD for 120 days or between 130 and 200 USD for 365 days, so not worth it purchase it, as by PayPal is 180 days insurance, an extra 2 months, is free for the buyer, as the owner is who pays the PayPal fees, is not needed more time, like 1 year, with half of year is enough to be sure that the owner is legit and will not do anything against you after this period.

    If appears some problem, you only need contact me, I will answer you instantly in most of cases, 16 hours per day, or when I wake up if I'm sleeping. I will analyse the case and immediately after I will open a dispute against the owner. PayPal will analyse the case and I will get the refund in less than 2 weeks, then I will send you instantly the money back, by PayPal or bank transfer, as you want. Could be quicker if the owner replies quickly the dispute, as has 10 days to reply it and then is needed wait 2 days for the PayPal decision, which always is in favour of the buyer in the digital products like game accounts.

    On PlayerUp the support is very slow, they delay several weeks to reply the support problems and a refund could delay around 3 months. Once your request is approved, which usually will delay between 2 and 3 weeks, they first send the money on your MM Balance, inside this site, they not send it directly on your bank account or your PayPal account. If you want send it in your bank account (PayPal is not available for cashouts), you need request a cashout, which will delay 3 months or more, as PlayerUp is very slow in the payments, it happened to me a lot of times, they have a big problem with it.

    If you purchase the account through PayPal will be cheaper, as each account has 2 threads on PlayerUp, one with a Middleman (MM) listing and another one without a MM listing. The price in the thread with a MM listing is 2 times the value, with a minimum of 150 USD, to compensate the waiting time, as PlayerUp delays 3 months or more to send me the money and then be able to send the money to the owner. If you want see the real cost of the accounts when are paid by PayPal, check my main thread:

    If someone pays 2 times the value, the extra benefit will depend of the delay time on the payment, every week delay will be 8% of the extra benefit for the owner, with a minimum of 50%. If I send the money at second week, would be 16% extra benefit, but as the minimum is 50% will be 50%. If I send the money in the week 7 will be 7 x 8% = 56% extra benefit. It has a limit of 100% and in this 100% will be subtracted my fee as seller and the payment platform fee, like the Wise fee.

    If you think that PlayerUp is a better way and you agree with pay 2 times the value, I have no problem with it, but you need pay the compensation of this slow payment system
    , as is very annoying for the owners wait 3 months or more to receive the money. When PlayerUp solves it and start to send quickly the payments, the prices will be the same again.

    If you joined in a thread with a MM listing, if appears the "Buy Now" button beside the price tag, if you want know the price of the account when is paid by PayPal, which is exactly half price of the threads with MM listing, you can check my main thread and search the account in the accounts for sale list. You can search the ally code, for example, which is in the link, copy the entire link and paste it in the searcher, or simply search by the price, which is half price, scrolling the screen, as my list is sorted by the price.

    The main thread, with the accounts for sale list, is the following:

    PlayerUp Middleman: Is a system with a granted protection for the buyer, but with the disadvantages I explained before, inside the PayPal method. Consist that first the buyer sends the money to PlayerUp and PlayerUp keeps the money until the buyer confirms that received the account. This system prevents the scams, the seller never will receive the money until you confirm you have the control of the account and that you are satisfied with it.

    Is the same method I apply on PayPal, as the buyer sends me the money and I keep it until the owner access has been deleted and the account has been linked to the buyer, only after it I send the money to the owner. By PayPal has the advantage that the account is 2 times cheaper and the payment is instant, without delays (on PlayerUp usually delays 2 or 3 days to be started the sale), and the owner will receive instantly the money, with 180 days protection for the buyer for free, already included in the price. The only difference with PayPal is the reputation, as PlayerUp is a big site, when I'm only a seller, but you can check my reputation in my positive feedbacks, my live streaming, my social networks, my website, my YouTube channel and more, so you don't need a higher reputation than the good reputation I have.

    After the payment, a PlayerUp Middleman will create a 3-way conversation in next 24-72 hours. Once created, I will indicate you do the link by Discord or some other chat platform, as is easier, or if you not use any chat platform I will provide you all the instructions to link the account to your Android or iOS device. Once you confirm you linked the account to your device, you must change the conversation prefix to "Buyer - Confirms Delivery", by this way the Middleman agent will send the money to me, the seller. Then, I will be able to request a cashout of my MM Balance and, once received, probably 3 months after, send the money to the owner by bank transfer.

    Middleman has a lot of payment methods, to check the complete list »»click here««. Could be interesting if you need use methods I not use, like cryptocurrency, Amazon Gift Cards, Neteller or MoneyBookers, for example.

    If you are interested to use this method, press in the "Buy Now" button that appears at the beginning of the thread. If you joined in a thread without a MM listing, you can contact me by some chat platform or private message and I will indicate you the link to the thread with it.

    Wise (Bank card or Wise funds).

    Skrill (Bank card or Skrill funds).

    Bank transfer.

    Western Union / MoneyGram (Cash).


    If you use PlayerUp as payment platform, you can include insurances in the order. The insurances give you a protection during 60, 120 or 365 days. If someone scam you, PlayerUp will give you all the money back and the scammer will be banned.

    The insurances and costs are the following:

    60 Day Insurance Package (Orders $100.00 or Less) = $1.99
    60 Day Insurance Package (Orders $100.01 to $300.00) = $5.99
    60 Day Insurance Package (Orders $300.01 to $600.00)= $14.99
    60 Day Insurance Package (Orders $600.01 or $1000.00)= $24.99
    60 Day Insurance Package (Orders $1000.01 or Higher)= $34.99

    After press on the "Buy now" button you can press on "Insurance Packages" and there you will be able to select your insurance. If you pay 250 USD for an account and 5,99 USD for the insurance, you will receive back the 250 USD in your account if you are scammed and the seller will be banned. Then you can Cashout the Middleman Balance via some of the multiple Cashout Methods they have, like bank transfer, PayPal, Skrill, Wise and others, so during these 60 days you will be full protected.

    You can check more info about the PlayerUp Middleman buyer protection system here:

    If you want a longer protection, there are insurances for 120 days:

    120 Day Insurance Package (Orders $100.00 or Less) = $2.99
    120 Day Insurance Package (Orders $100.01 to $300.00) = $7.99
    120 Day Insurance Package (Orders $300.01 to $600.00) = $17.99
    120 Day Insurance Package (Orders $600.01 or $1000.00) = $29.99
    120 Day Insurance Package (Orders $1000.01 or Higher) = $39.99

    Or also insurances for 1 entire year:

    365 Day Insurance Package (Orders $100.00 or Less) = $19.99
    365 Day Insurance Package (Orders $100.01 to $300.00) = $29.99
    365 Day Insurance Package (Orders $300.01 to $600.00) = $79.99
    365 Day Insurance Package (Orders $600.01 or $1000.00) = $129.99
    365 Day Insurance Package (Orders $1000.01 or Higher) = $199.99

    If you use PayPal you have for free 180 days buyer protection, as already is included in the price, the owner pays the fees for the transaction, in this fee is included the buyer insurance.

    As I explained before, PayPal is a better insurance, as is free, the insurance period is longer, 180 days, and if appears some problem you will receive the money back much faster, in less than 2 weeks, instead of 3 months or more, plus the account will be 2 times cheaper.

    You can check more info about the PayPal buyer protection system in the following link:
    #6 QLC, 12/25/22
    Last edited: 12/28/22
  7. OP

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    Discord: Quim#3389
    Verified Status: This user has completed basic background and ID verification Silver Status: This user has successfully completed 15+ middleman transactions

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    In this link you can join in my main thread, where I have listed all accounts for sale.

    You can see the accounts list in the first reply of the main thread, the second message.

    Remember that I do auctions inside my Discord server, so if you are searching some concrete account not listed, or you need a lower price, let me know it by some of the chat platforms to create an auction.

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