Selling  Android  High End  Original Owner (Yes) Selling archero account Full mythic gear, 20 heros unlocked, high end with room to improve

Discussion in 'Archero Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Slerpyderp, 12/24/22.

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  1. Slerpyderp

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    Im selling my archero account of over 3 years, i am the original owner.
    stats: Mythic antiquated sword, mythic bright robe, 2x mythic lion rings 2x mythic bone warriors 2x mythic bats,
    mythic flaming ghost mythic shield bracelet mythic angel locket mythic giants contract mythic enlightenment mythic staff mythic crossbow mythic gale forceand finally 2x mytrhic bull rings, i got loads of legendaries and plenty of epics i consider trash ive been using most of the supplies to get glyphs wepons have 7 stars 3 glyphs, ring1 4 glyphs ring 2 2 glyphs robe 4 glyphs spirit 1 3 glyphs spirit 2 2 glyphs, bracer 3 glyphs and locket 3 glyphs. book 2 glyphs
    Dragons perfect epic x2 S dragon x 1 and another random epic dragon
    gem slots 3 epic rest rare
    20 heros
    a few skins
    descent farm
    level 8 brave
    chapter clear 35
    prayer altar level 30 potential to 40 unlocked and level 20 potential to 30 unlocked
    expidition 450 hero mode got a bunch of tokens from challenge and clan 30k each
    if your an interested buyer ill screen share show you everything or send photos
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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