Selling  High End  Original Owner (Yes) Ant Kingdom High Value Account Server 502

Discussion in 'The Ants Underground Kingdom Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Lunum, 12/19/22.

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  1. Lunum

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    High end account for sale. Close to VIP 14, 5 pieces from the groundhog skin.

    Unlocked Night Patron Skin and Lotus Flower march. 7 worker ants unlocked.

    1 evolution away from unlocking advanced hatch. 5k in diamonds at the time of this post but will have closer to 100k in two days. Main unit has 5, 4 and red star ant. Mostly geared towards guardians but main ants are universal.

    Main insects include, Potamidae lvl 24 9 star, Devil Flower lvl 14 9 star, Atlas Battle lvl 5 8 star (helper to Potamidae).

    I have uploaded several screenshots of the account.

    I love this game and have been playing for a year. Due to some life changing circumstances the time I have been able to put into this game and my alliance has diminished. Focusing on other aspects of my life I have to leave this game. Rather than putting this on hold, I have decided to put it for sale so that someone else might be able to use it and scale up much faster.

    Happy digging,

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  2. Justin Park

    Justin Park
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    Hello, bro. Can you lend me your account? I just want to play a good account. You can still have it when you have the time and wants to play again. I will never unbind it to your account, promise. Its just that I dont have the means to buy something like this. It will be like me piloting your account but it is still yours. I can give you my facebook. name of you want to. I hope you consider my offer.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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