Selling    PSN Account with 80+ games and Free Name Change

Discussion in 'PlayStation Network Accounts | PSN Account - Buy & Sell' started by rcstadtmiller, 12/11/22.

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  1. rcstadtmiller

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    I have been the sole owner of this account for 10 years. The account has been deactivated from all of my devices so it is ready to be used as primary on your own devices. I have cleared my friends list and the account is eligible for a FREE psn id change. There is no active PS+ plus membership. I have 80+ games purchased on the account. I did not list easy cheap platinum games also known as shovelware. If you decide to acquire a PS+ membership there are a lot more games that were obtained via the free monthly game offers. Many apex legends and Fortnite skins have been purchased on this account if you are a fan of those games. If you have any questions feel free to reach out to me and I will reply asap.

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    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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