Selling  1-24 Hours CHEAP DISCORD SERVER BOOSTS | 14 boosts - 10 USD | Instant Delivery | Trusted Shop

Discussion in 'Discord Boosting for Sale - Buy & Sell | Cheap & Safe' started by nicsmarkett, 12/10/22.

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  1. nicsmarkett

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    Benefit of Automatic Delivery paying with Cryptocurrencies on our WEBSITE!
    Use the coupon code PLAYERUP to benefit from a 15% cut.


    Why should I trust you?

    We are in the industry from August 2021. It's been a long time and we have more than 1000 customers.
    Even that our discord server is not that active right now because discord deleted our last server with more than 2500 members, you can still see a lot of positive reviews on our website which you find above and also on our discord server where you can find a lot of "Premium Customers" that own big communities.

    Is it legal?

    The simple answer is yes, we own multiple accounts with nitro enabled from different Discord Promotions. We will join on your server with multiple accounts and boost the server as many times as needed.

    How do I know I don't get scammed?

    Take a look on our discord server if you are still not sure if we are trusted enough. We have invested a lot of money into the Server Design, Premium Discord #, STAFF and multiple services. You can also open a ticket and ask the STAFF to bring you some of our projects, we own multiple businesses with thousands of customers behind, they'll make you feel safe. I promise!

    What Payment Methods do you accept?

    We accept everything. We made the effort to hire people and find ways to bring the most popular payment options on our server, all for the customer!

    Credit Card / PayPal / Venmo / Cryptocurrencies / CashApp / Gift Cards

    Join on our discord server for more information!
    1. The Server Boosts are always delivered in 5 minutes to 24 hours, otherwise a full refund is available.
    2. We need your Discord Server NEVER Expiring Invite Link, so we can deliver the Boosts.
    3. We do not replace server boosts if you have an anti-raid or security # that has hit accounts used for boosts.
    4. Only refunds if there is any problem on our side (inability to deliver for certain reasons).
    5. We offer a 3 months warranty for any package bought, your server is always eligible for a reboost if we find out that the drop in boosts is a mistake from our side.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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