Sold 567 Ships; 97 teir X, All tech; All super ships; All Coal ships; All RB ships; Rare ships: Kitakami,

Discussion in 'World of Warships Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Kruxena, 11/28/24.

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  1. Kruxena

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    My Location:
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    Make Offer
    PRICE: $150
    IF interested contact me in discord mostly active in there


    Account since open beta 2015. Solo WR account ~62%, 24K games

    All tech ships from V-X unlocked and bought

    All tech ship special ships (XI) unlocked and bought







    All past and current Coal ships bought


    All past and current Research Bureau ships bought


    All past and current steel ships bought except 4 = R. Lauria, Svea, Komissar, Vallejo


    Currently sitting on 40k doubloons, 290mil credits, 64k steel, 110k Resarch Bureau points, 1.3 mil coal, 67 mil commander exp, 2.5 mil free exp



    Very rare ships: Smolensk, Smolensk B, Kitakami, Defence, Enterprise, Smaland, Haida, Belfast, Thunderer, Huron, Puerto Rico, Alaska, Alaska B, Wisconsin, Georgia, Missouri + More

    All special / premium ships (besides all other credit ships that are already bought and unlocked):


    F. D. Roosevelt, M. Immelmann, Malta, Kaga, Enterprise, Chklov, Graf Zeppelin, Ark Royal, Bearn


    Shikishima, Ohio, Wisconsin, Slava, G. Kurfurst, Mecklenburg, Incomparable, Thunderer, Bourgogne, Sicilia, Diasen, Iwami, Musashi, Georgia, Illinois, Kearsarge, Missouri, Pommern, Jean Bart, Marco Polo, Massachusetts B, Brandenburg, Odin, Tirpitz, Anhalt, Champagne, Ipiranga, California, W. Virginia '44, Scharnhorst '43, Duke of York, Hood, Nelson, Renown '44, Tennesse Strasbourg, Ise, Mutsu, W. Virginia '41, Novorossiysk, P. E. Friedrich, Repulse, Warspite, Dunkerque, ARP Haruna, ARP Hiei, ARP Kirishima, ARP Kongo, Oklahoma, Texas, Okt. Revolutsiya, Angicourt, Viribus Unitis, Rio De Janeiro, Dreadnought, Mikasa


    Smolensk, Smolensk B, Kronshtadt, Bayard, Flint, Indianapolis, Belfast, Kitakami, Yoshino, Yoshino B, Austin, Puerto Rico, Salem, Moskva, Sevastopol, Stalingrad, Defence, Gibraltar, Plymouth, Brennus, Colbert, Napoli, Brisbane, Azuma, Alaska, Alaska B, Tulsa, Siegfried, Agir, Carnot, Van Speijk, Hector, Almte. Oquendo, APR Takao, Rochester, San Diego, D. Pozharsky, ARP Ashigara, ARP Haguro, ARP Myoko, ARP Nachi, Maya, S. Dragon, Lazo, Munchen, Abruzzi, F. Ferruccio, Goriza, Makarov, Molotov, Graf Spee, Leipzig, Dido, London, De Grasse, Dupleix, Duca D'Aosta, Huanghe, Elli, Mysore, Perth, Canarias, Yahagi, Marblehead, Marblehead L, Kirov, Krasny Krym, Mikoyan, Murmansk, Exeter, Genova, Yubari, Katori, Charleston, Aurora, Oleg, Varyag, Albany, Emden, Alm Abreu


    Smaland, Lenningrad, Tashkent '39, Haida, Huron, T-61, Hayate, F. Sherman, Somers, Khabarovsk, Z-42, Druid, Marceau, Lushun, Ragnar, Tromp, Vampire II, Alvaro De Bazan, Benham, Black, Halford, Neustrashimy, Z-44, Somme, Paolo Emilio, Friesland, Jager, Groningen, Asashio, Kidd, Cossack, Loyang, Orkan, Yudachi, Z-39, Fr25, Blyskawica, Stord '43, Shinonome, Monaghan, K. Schonberg, Gallant, Aigle, Leone, Anshan, Jurua, Kamikaze R, Hill, Okhotnik, Siroco, Campbeltown, Vampire, Tachibana, Smith


    Gato, U-4501

    Commanders (most are 21 point captains)

    Jerzy Swirski (21 commander points) Andrew Cunningham (21) Philippe Auboyneau (21) Gunther Lutjens (21), Nikolay Kuznetsov (21) Klaas Janssen, Takeo Suzuki, John Doe, Geroge Doe, Viktor, Znamensky, Franz von Jutland, Bert Dunkirk, Charles-Henri Honore, Da Rong, + more
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