Hello, I sell my account on the server E22-Sagitta. Price: 150€. Contact me in MP. Athena 3332 Hades 2422 Poseidon 3344 Artemis 5515 Hypnosis 1354 Thanatos 1445 Queen Persephone 1111 Ophiuchus 1552 Hades alone 2555 Athena Exclamation 2232 Aphrodite 4455 Saga 2545 Orpheus 4535 Canon of Gemini 3554 Saori 1555 Ikki GC 1515 Seiya GC 2542 Shiryu GC 1524 Shun GC 2344 Hyoga GC 1132 Aiolia GC 1232 Milo GC 5554 Aldebaran GC 5555 Doko GC 1255 Albafica of Pisces 1111 Rhadamanthe 1314 Minos 2523 Eaque Garuda 2252 Pandora 1245 Saga the Maleficent 2335 Shun of the Underworld 2454 Myû Papillon 3545 Balron Moon 2524 Pharaoh 1322 Shion Surplis 2554 Pandora of the Underworld 1533 Shura Surplis 1111 ...