Selling  North America  12+ Weeks Valorant Account NA level 263 with exclusive skins and rank with an alt account level 7

Discussion in 'Valorant Items for Sale - Buy & Sell Valorant Item' started by Mollescent, 11/10/22.

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  1. Mollescent

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    My Location:
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    Included: Meele; RGX Blade, Blade of the Ruined King, Elderflame, Glitchpop Axe, Glitchpop Dagger, Reaver Knife, Recon, RGX Butterfly, Ruin Dagger, Snowfall Wand, Soverign Sword, Candy Cane, Champion Butterfly.
    Vandal; Elderflame, Glitchpop, RGX, Reaver, Sakura, Sovereign, Prime, Origin, Prelude to Chaos, Sentenials of Light
    Phantom; Champions, Glitchpop, Ion, Oni, Prime, Recon, RGX
    Classic; Forsaken, Glitchpop, Prime,
    Sheriff; Arcane, Ion, Reaver
    Spectre; RGX, Forsaken, Prime
    Operator; Reaver, Elderflame, Glitchpop, RGX
    Ghost; Soverign, Mage Punk
    Frenzy; Glitchpop
    Judge; Glitchpop
    Bulldog; Glitchpop
    Guardian; Reaver
    Odin; Glitchpop
    Shotgun; Wayfinder
    Stinger, Marshal, Bucky, Ares; All Battle Pass
    Title; Arcane, YR1, Jinx
    Spray; Twitch Prime, Arcane, Champion 2021
    Player Card; Arcane Mysteries, Jinx, Pride, Feel the Rush, Champion 2022, Art of Greatness Champion card, Year One, Undercity, Team Ace/ Raze, Spline, RGX, Reaver, MMXX EP 1, Glitchpop, Wayfinder
    Buddy; Twitch Prime except Snowball, Champion, Arcane, Exsquisite, Pride,
    Additional Information; I am also adding a second account to this with a Arcane Sheriff, Arcane Buddy with the quest, Arcane Title and Arcane Spray/Player Card. In total the accounts will be $1,500 but I will lower the account for $1,384 for a #. Since the rarity of the Arcane is high it, The total may be $1,500. The alt account name is Maleficent level 7. I have all battle pass except 2 Ep 2 and 3 and the following after. After purchasing the first account i will give you information for the second account. Both accounts have different emails and i will send you the email and password via your email to my [email protected].
    This account is in NA East Coast; now NA West Coast, so once you purchase it keep in mind the server is in NA. Also this account has never been banned so if you do buy this account and you're banned it's your own fault. This is an instant action meaning once you buy it you will recieve the account through email. The second account will be sent to you once the first account is purchase and I recieve the money via paypal.
    For additional information add me on Discord Mollescent #3577.
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