Selling    SUPER OVERPOWERED ACCOUNT WITH 6 legendary weapons

Discussion in 'Mech Arena Robot Showdown Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by MikeFnBeanMfer, 11/5/22.

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  1. MikeFnBeanMfer

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    28k Exp won the last 3 play of Screenshot_20221105-031632_Mech Arena.jpg fs or got in top 3 ,has Em Rifle 16, carbine 10,8,8. Gravity beam 10. Rail gun. Arc 6s. Has legendary pilot Baron just git in playoff last week. And I have nemar level 7 with carbine reload almost maxed and damage. For only being 28k exp I also have guardian 16 power. Surge 12power Tegan 8 power zephyr 12 power redox 20 power there's a dozen different weapon combos. This account is able to compete with divisons 1s best people.

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