Hello everyone, I am looking to sell my high end 731 GS GamezBD account. I'm the first owner. The account has : 1 LV 66 Musa + 1 LV 61 Hashashin + 1 LV 61 Archer + 1 LV 63 Musa (LifeSkiller). Multiple builds available. 3 Secret Books of Old Moon. 60B sitting on the Marketplace + tons of items sitting on storages. 382 Energy Points & 371 Contributions Points. Almost all importants books are done except Fughar's Times of Success (1DP missing), Kzarka logs (1 AP + DP) and last book of Herald's Journal. Maxed Fairy. Musa Breath LV50 / Strenght LV31 & Health LV41. Hashashin Breath LV47 / Strenght LV30 & Health LV31. Maxed Family Inventory. LifeSkill Gears (FULL TET Geranoa Accessories + TET/PEN Manos, etc), Tons of Horses (T7 & T8) LV 1 & LV 30 for AFK Horses setup. Tons of materials across storages for Alchemy/Cooking/Alchemy Stone upgrades. Big nodes setup, got 80/90% of woods & ores nodes. 103 Workers, they are atleast professional + almost high lv. 7 Nodes LV 10. Almost 70k Pearls + 10k Loyalties. Tons of Pets (Artic Fox T4, 6 Dragons T1 & Mount EXP Pets). 1 T9 Pegasus. Unfortunatly, I can't give the mail but if you want, just sell the items and transfer silvers to another account. Accepting PayPal Friends & Family and if a middleman is requested the buyer pays the fee. I will be happy to provide additional screenshoots of anything you request. Feel free to message me on here or add me on discord (SoulKayz#1831) to discuss about the price. You can view the details of the account just below, there is 1 link to my IMGUR Album i made for this occasion :