Selling  EU West  Gold  Level 30+  1-24 Hours Account lvl 429 Euw With Capsule Prime 1350 + 1005 RP 129 Skin 14 Skin Legendary

Discussion in 'League of Legends Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by BelalMohamed, 10/1/22.

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  1. BelalMohamed

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    Levels : 429

    Rank : Solo/Duo = Sliver IV___Ranked Flex = Sliver IV

    Honor : Lvl 2 (2 Check point of 3)

    Last Rank : S2021 Silver 3 S2020 Gold 4 S9 Sliver 3

    Champions : 160

    Runes Page : 2

    Wards Skins : 8 (1 Epic) (3 Legacy) (1 Mythic)

    Orange Essence : 931

    Blue Essence : 26621

    Rp : 1005 + Capsule prime 1350

    Skins : 91

    Skins in Loot : 38 (5 Legendary) (33 Epic) (5 Legacy)


    Legacy : 21

    Epic : 44

    Legendary : 9

    Mythic : 1

    Ultimate : 1 (K/DA All Out Seraphine)

    Skins With Chromas : (Omega Squad Teemo 2) (High Noon Jhin 1) (Freljord Sylas 1) (DragonSlayer Xin Zhao 2) (Prestigious Leblanc 1) (Pool Party Heimerdinger 1) (ShockBlade Zed 1)
    (High Noon Yasuo 1) (Beemo 3) (Arclight Brand 1) (Pengu CosPlay Tristana 1) (Arcade Kai'Sa 1)

    Icons : 140 (14 Epic) (1 Legendary) (4 Mythic) (4 Legacy)

    Discord : Belo#9582

    Payment methods : PayPal Screenshot_1.png Screenshot_2.png Screenshot_3.png Screenshot_4.png Screenshot_5.png Screenshot_6.png Screenshot_7.png Screenshot_8.png Screenshot_9.png Screenshot_10.png Screenshot_11.png Screenshot_12.png Screenshot_13.png Screenshot_14.png Screenshot_15.png Screenshot_16.png Screenshot_17.png Screenshot_18.png Screenshot_19.png Screenshot_20.png Screenshot_21.png Screenshot_22.png Screenshot_23.png Screenshot_24.png Prime.png Screenshot_23.png

    For EG Vodafone Cash
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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