Selling  CSR Racing - Modded Account - Standalone Apple ID (Game Center) - by darioperformance

Discussion in 'CSR Racing Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Dario P, 9/5/22.

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  1. Dario P

    Dario P
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    We are selling a Modded CSR2 Account with a custom Apple ID. We always sell Accounts with a Apple ID because we really care about privacy from customer side.

    How come?

    We are seeing more and more private data being stolen. We want to do something about that, so we're going to the trouble of creating an Apple ID as well.

    Customer has 100% access and upon purchase our phone number will be removed and replaced from customer side.

    We always recommend customers to change the password.

    This Price is a special Price because its our first time selling on Forums. We had alot local customers about this modding service.

    Account Specs:


    About Us

    Hello World

    We are a small IT company from Switzerland. We have decided to defend ourselves against the Pay2Win madness. We have often noticed that no player has a chance if he does not pay for a game. We're talking sick bucks that the game developers want. We're not talking about profit to keep developing, but to get rich without doing anything but a few updates. We want you to be able to buy yourself a chance even with little money. We think you can get the performance for £100 for £20 because not everyone is rich and can afford it.

    To support our gaming community we founded our small project group dedicated to modding. We are actually an IT service company, this project should be seen as a hobby.

    We offer the following service specifically for CSR2 (IOS/Android)

    • Starter Account with Custom Apple ID
    • Customer with our Apple ID have access to top-up #.
    • Rare ID Accounts (74xxxxxxx)
    • and more, please request.
    We have many individual inquiries, so we ask you to make an inquiry regarding the prices. We are currently working with an offer table.

    *We will create a table here in the post during the month to present the prices as transparently as possible.


    "What makes us different?"

    We're doing something that almost nobody in the modding community is doing. We take great care of account privacy.

    Our devices are independent and we delete our catches after each operation. We do not need any private devices, only devices that are purchased from the company are used. These are treated the same as any other customer. We are against cybercrime because it is also common in Switzerland.

    "Do you have any advantages?"

    Actually yes, since we attach great importance to data protection, we give a # to every customer who orders an account by us.


    Because every customer gets an independent Apple ID which he can use for Game Center. Should he order from us again, he shouldn't have any private data on it. This # is 10% on every order related to the account.
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