Selling  1k-10k Subs   Blog/Lifestyle  Monetization Enabled/No Strikes  Original Owner (Yes) Fitness channel with 5990 subs.

Discussion in 'YouTube Accounts for Sale - Buy Sell YouTube Channels' started by Delgadodiablo, 7/28/22.

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  1. Delgadodiablo

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    Hello guys my name is Anthony and I used to have my own channel but due to lack of motivation i am selling my channel now. Its about to be a year since is stopped posting. (All organic subs. None of them are bots as most are selling on this website but dont have a lot of options) It has about 5990 subs and monetization is activated(hasn't made a lot of money but it's good that its there. Anyway i am attaching my screenshots. if anyone is interested Dm me. Price is #.

    Edit i dont know how to post an image here. so please DM me directly.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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