Selling     Selling Hypixel Top 60+ Leaderboard Guild

Discussion in 'Minecraft Servers for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by Melodyyyy, 7/4/22.

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  1. Melodyyyy

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    Hi everyone, I would like to sell my Hypixel guild before 2022. I worked hard on my own for four years to help our guild to reach leaderboard (now it has reached to top 60~80).
    I would like to sell the guild because I have to concentrate on my studies and work in the future. Although I feel it is a pity, I still hope that I can transfer it to other player who has time to run the guild and continue to support guild (it’s better to sell the guild instead of abandon my guild directly).
    Because it is the leaderboard guild that was created 4 years ago, of course the price is not that cheap. I believe that who can buy our guild will have enough money to continue operating guild after i sold it.

    :sun: Guild Stats:
    Level: 160+
    Members: 125
    Members' Main Game: BedWars/SkyBlock

    :party:DM iAsuna#0001 to talk about price and more info.
    #1 Melodyyyy, 7/4/22
    Last edited: 7/4/22
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