Im selling 100+ double resource farms! double resource farms: Stone - Gold Wood - Gold Iron - Gold Grain - Gold 20-25 euros each All Mints buildings lv25 and at least 1 transnational scroll. Accounts are clean, nothing binded to any social media or mail. contact me on discord! Discord: Darkow#6662 Im selling resources too (80b grain, 70b wood, 70b stone, 60b iron and 20b gold) these resources are all in pack, so i can transfer to any kingdom. 1b grain = 8€ 1b wood = 10€ 1b stone = 10€ 1b iron = 10€ 1b gold = 30€ farm 1: (25€) 4,01M/H or 96M/DAY grain production 429K/H or 10.5M/DAY gold production Transnational Relocation COMMANDERS
yes, add me on discord: Darkow#6662 wood-gold (25€) 3m/H or 72M/DAY wood production 428k/h or 10,2M/DAY gold production COMMANDERS
Ich möchte eine Korngold- und eine Eisengoldfarm kaufen. Können Sie mir bitte sagen, wie das geht? Ich bin neu auf dieser Plattform. Vielen Dank
[QUOTE ="AmazingTrue โพสต์: 36659574, สมาชิก: 830549"] เฮ้คุณยังคงมีฟาร์มขาย? [/อ้างอิง] ฉันมีบัญชีฟาร์ม หากสนใจติดต่อมาที่ Discord: [BHD]Arox Lord#9730