Selling   TH25 in Realm 10 II 2.6B might II 177.7K Jewels II TONS of brew, raid brew, gold, ore, and food.

Discussion in 'Kingdom of Heckfire Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Geenah, 6/5/22.

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  1. Geenah

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    Hey guys,
    After a few years with this game, it's time to just let it go. If you know this game, it needs attention on the daily. I was actually zeroed recently during a sacrificing soldiers event so unfortunately the account is sitting at 6.2M troops. HOWEVER - there are enough resources to adequately rebuild very quickly! Can definitely provide screenshots for exact details.

    177.7k Jewels
    Raid brew: 1.2M+
    Brew: 1.2M+
    Gold: 291M+
    Ore: 720M+
    Food: 361M+
    Speed up: 653 days worth

    39 dragons (8 dragons level 81 and up)
    Gathering: 4 marches on level 9
    Titan: Level 3
    1.18B total value in allies

    Badland Bonus: 34% - March speed: 47.5%
    Grassland Bonus: 32.2% - March speed: 47.5%
    Swamp Bonus: 31.6% - March speed: 53%
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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