Selling  High End  Original Owner (Yes) FracturedMMO Original (Better) Knight Package half Price. Original Price 200 here 100

Discussion in 'Fractured Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Diablo32, 5/26/22.

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  1. Diablo32

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    The email that the account is attached to will come with the package.

    Knight Package was originally $200 and is no longer offered at all. The bonuses include:

    Access to Alpha
    20,000 Credits
    2 Years of VIP Membership
    Unique Forum and in-game Title: "Knight"
    Amber forum and in-game avatar badge
    2 years of free Carpenter NPC Contract
    6 Additional Character slots
    A digital copy of Fractured Online
    Pet Companions: Baby Dragon Evolution #1
    Construction Plan for an exclusive "Founder Cottage"
    DRM-free copy of Fractured Online Soundtrack
    Your name or knickname in the in-game credits page
    Pet Companions: Baby Dragon Evolution #2
    1 Set of Crafting Stations to be placed and used in your plot of land
    1 Mule Mount Plus Wagon to carry heavy materials
    Construction Plan for an exclusive "Founder Villa"
    Reserve Unique Character Name
    Pet Companion: Baby Dragon Evolution #3
    Construction Plan for an Exclusive "Founder Palace"
    Reserve Guild Name
    Exclusive Knight Armor Skin and Horse Armor Skin
    Pet Companion: Baby Dragon Evolution #4
    Exclusive Founder Statue

    Accepting Google Play Giftcard, or Visa Giftcard.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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