Selling   XBox One  Level 500+  High End  Original Owner (Yes) Glacier+gold dust+champ accs (all my accs for sale)

Discussion in 'Rainbow Six Siege Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by PedroCR7, 5/9/22.

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  1. PedroCR7

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    Hey, how you doing?
    I am an Account seller and booster, selling og accs and boosting to diamond/champ for good prices. Here that’s all my accs. If u want any one of them, dm me in my socials: instagram.: @altered.boost. Twitter: @AltereDR6. Discord: AltereD#6007

    Xbox - AlteredBoost

    Level 280

    Attachment skins - Chroma streaks(purple aim), Velveteen, black, brown, gray

    Good Ranked Seasonal Charms -
    Seasonal Ranked Charms -
    Black Ice Silver
    Dust Line Diamond
    Skull Rain Diamond
    Red Crow Diamond
    Velvet Shell Platinum
    Health Platinum
    White noise Platinum
    Void edge platinum
    Steel Wave Platinum
    Shadow Legacy Platinum
    High calibre diamond
    Demon Veil Diamond

    Charms - 194

    Team Charms - Team Liquid 2019

    Universal Skins -
    Aurous alabaster, Fire(Beta skin), Velveteen, arctic, black, chroma streaks, diamond, mission blacksmith, particle robotics, signature six’19, volcano, winter knitting, amethyst, blue nebula, cobalt, destroyer, elephant, gold, obsidian and more(+++)

    Noticeable Skins -
    GOLD DUST(Twitch, Ash, Jager)
    Pro League S1 Grade 1(Smoke’s shotgun)
    Pro League S1 Grade 2(MP5)
    Pro League S1 Grade 3(Thermite)
    Fire(Beta skin)
    Aki no tsuru
    Leon Furioso

    Team Skins - W7M(SMG-11), Liquid, Rogue(416-Carbine),

    Noticeable Uniforms - decontamination(Ash) and more

    Black Ice - L85A2, G36C, MK1 9mm, M590A1, P226 MK 25, AR33, R4-C, 5.7 USG, M1014, 556 XI, F2, 417, SG-CQB, P9, LFP586, CAMRS, FMG-9, SMG-11, MP5K, UMP45, 5.7 USG, MP5, P90, MP7

    Elite sets - Sledge, Ash, Thermite, Twitch

    Pro League/Major Region Sets - Smoke, Sledge

    Tag - Altered9 nS

    Rank - Diamond

    Level - 453

    K/D - 1.1(General) 1.7(Seasonal)

    W/L - 1.1

    Attachment Skins - Black, Brown, Gray, First Class Burglary, Thermal Antipodes, Wisdom and Hospitality, Plasma pink, S.I 2022 Triumphant, World-Class apparatus, Hibernal Solstice, Moss-Grown Run, Teal, Haze, Crimson, Canary, Azurite

    CHARMS - 404(goddamn!)

    Seasonal Ranked Charms -
    Black Ice BRONZE
    Dust Line GOLD
    Skull Rain GOLD
    Red Crown PLATINUM
    Velvet Shell PLATINUM
    Operation Health PLATINUM
    Blood Orchid GOLD
    White Noise PLATINUM
    Chimera PLATINUM
    Para Bellum PLATINUM
    Grim Sky PLATINUM
    Wind Bastion PLATINUM
    Burnt Horizon DIAMOND
    Phantom Sight DIAMOND
    Ember Rise PLATINUM
    Shifting Tides PLATINUM
    Void Edge PLATINUM
    Steel Wave PLATINUM
    Shadow Legacy PLATINUM
    Neon Dawn PLATINUM
    Crimson Heist PLATINUM
    North Star DIAMOND

    Very rare skins - GOLD DUST(Jager), GOLD DUST(Twitch)
    GOLD DUST(Thatcher and Flores AR33)
    GOLD DUST(Ace and Fuze AK-12)
    DUST LINE(Sledge and Thatcher gun)
    Aki no Tsuru
    LEÓN Furioso
    El Dorado
    Golden Ivy - Jager
    Outbreak Code Red
    The Division Weapon Skin - UMP45
    Piña Colada - Ash
    Watch Dogs - Ash
    Hot Chopper - Thermite

    Team Charms -
    Black Dragons
    PENTA Sports

    Universal Skins -
    Deco Artistry
    First Class Burglary
    Beach Trip
    Gold Impact
    Penumbra Cells
    River Scale
    Thermal Antipodes
    Vintage Festivity
    Wisdow and Hospitality
    Wooden Carvings
    Year of the ox
    Year of the rat
    Eternal Sun
    Eternal Wind
    Secret Star
    Strike Force
    Waffle Cone
    Outbreak Code Red
    Retro Steel(USSR Skin)
    Red Silk
    White Dragon
    Loyalty(Shaiiko’s skin)
    Blue Nebula
    Cold War-Bel
    Cold War-Fra
    Cold War - USA
    Cold War - VNM

    Team Skins -
    Darkzero: ARX(Nomad and Iana)
    Virtus Pro: M590A1(Smoke, Mute, Sledge, Thatcher)
    Evil Geniuses: UMP45(Castle and Pulse)
    NAVI: MP5(Doc, Rook, Melusi)
    G2 Esports: 416-Carbine(Jäger)
    Cloud9: MPX(Valkyrie)
    Immortals: Vector .45 ACP(Mira and Goyo)
    Penta Sports: T-5 SMG(Lesion and Oryx)
    Fnatic: L85A2(Sledge and Thatcher)
    Team Vitality: R4C(Ash)
    INTZ: 556XI(Thermite)
    GUTSGaming: 552 Commando(IQ)
    Rogue: C8-SFW(Buck)
    FaZe: Type-89(Hibana)
    TSM: M762(Zofia)
    Team Liquid: L85A2(Sledge and Thatcher)

    Black Ices -
    416-C Carbine(Jäger)
    P12(Jäger, Wamai, IQ, Bandit)
    M870(Jäger, Bandit)
    FMG-9(Smoke, NOKK)
    SMG-11(Smoke, Mute, Sledge, Amaru)
    L85A2(Sledge and Thatcher)
    AR33(Thatcher and Flores)
    G36C(Ash and Iana)
    5.7 USG(Ash, Pulse, Castle)
    M1014(Thermite, Castle, Pulse)
    P9(Doc,Rook,Twitch, Lion)
    LFP586(Doc, Rook, Twitch, Lion)
    PMM(Kapkan, Tachanka, Glaz, Fuze)
    6P41(Fuze, Finka)
    GSH-18(Fuze, Tachanka, Kapkan)
    552 COMMANDO(IQ)
    MK1 9mm(Buck and Frost)
    MP5(Doc, Rook, Melusi)
    9mm C1(Frost)

    Elite sets -

    Team Uniforms -
    Fnatic (IQ)
    TSM (Zofia)
    Team Liquid(Ace)

    Additional good itens: Region Major set for Smoke, many event itens(halloween, S.I, legendary rare uniforms), Region Major set for Jager

    Xbox - lsWorthy

    K/D - 1.5(Seasonal), currently Plat1

    Attachment skins - Arctic, black, brown, gray

    Good Seasonal Charms -
    Burnt Horizon Platinum
    Ember Rise Platinum
    Shifting Tides Platinum
    Void Edge Platinum
    Steel Wave Platinum
    Shadow Legacy Platinum
    Neon Dawn Platinum
    Crimson Heist Champion
    North Star Diamond
    Crystal Guard platinum
    High Calibre Diamond
    Demon veil platinum(current)

    Team Charms - Nora Rengo 2019

    Universal Skins - USA WWII Camo, USA Reganomics, Cold War-USA, SPQR, Olive, Gray, Crimson, Canary, Vintage Festivity, Sleigh Ride

    Noticeable Skins - Volcano, Damascus Steel

    Team Skins - Nora Rengo(Hibana)

    Black Ice - G36C, R4-C, M45, F2, LFP586, OTs-03, AK12, 9x19VSN, 416-C Carbine

    Elite sets - Smoke and Ash(2)

    Xbox - babyaim 0

    Level - 171

    Attachment skins - Thermal Antipodes, Black, Brown, Haze, Gray

    Good Seasonal Charms -
    Void edge platinum
    Steel Wave Platinum
    Shadow Legacy Platinum
    Neon dawn platinum
    Crystal guard platinum
    High calibre platinum
    Demon Veil Platinum(Current)

    Team Charms - Black Dragons, Team Liquid 2020, Cloud9

    Universal Skins - beach trip, blue nebula, cold war-vnm, usa winter camo, cold war-fra, Thermal Antipodes, river scale

    Noticeable Skins -
    Red Silk
    Wooden Carvings
    White Dragon

    Team Skins - Team Liquid(L85A2), mibr(Jager)

    Black Ice - M45, AUG A2, MP7

    Pro League/Major Region sets - smoke

    Xbox - Fear Luyf

    Level - 92

    Attachment skins -

    Seasonal Charms -
    Red Crow Platinum
    High Calibre diamond
    Demon veil platinum(Current)

    Universal Skins - olive, brown, white dragon, prismatic glisten, arctic

    Noticeable Skins - Obsidian

    Team Skins - Fnatic(G36C), Team Secret(M590A1), G2 Esports(Jager), Rogue(Bandit), FaZe(Valkyrie)

    Black Ice - F2, M590A1, AK12

    Elite sets - Ash, Zofia, Valkyrie, Twitch, Mute, Lesion, Jager, IQ and Hibana

    XBOX - DrippzL nS

    Level - 167

    Rank - Diamond

    General K/D - 1.2

    Seasonal Ranked Charms - Shadow Legacy Platinum
    Neon Dawn Platinum
    Crimson Heist Platinum
    North Star Diamond
    Crystal Guard Champion
    High Calibre Diamond

    Attachment Skins [5]
    Chroma Streaks Attachment Skin,
    Signature Six 21 Attachment Skin,
    World-class Apparatus Attachment
    Skin, Primsmatic Glisten
    Attachment Skin, Dystopian
    Survival Skin

    Seasonals [3]
    Dynasty, Chroma Streaks,
    Primsmatic Glisten

    Black Ice [7]
    L85A2, P9, CAMRS, PMM, 5.7 USG,
    M870, F2

    Pro League [1]
    Y5S2 Mute

    Team Skins [32]
    Beastcoast 2021, BDS 2020, Black
    Dragons 2021, Chiefs 2021, Cowana
    2021, Cyclops 2021, DarkZero 2020,
    DWG KIA 2021, Elevate 2021, Faze
    Clan 2020, Faze Clan 2021, Fnatic
    2020, Furia 2021, G2 2020, Guts
    2021, Giants 2020, INTZ 2020,
    Mirage 2021, OXG 2021, QConfirm
    2021, Santos 2020, Santos 2021, T1
    2021, TSM 2020, Talon 2021, Secret
    2020, Vitality 2020, W7M 2020, W7M
    2021, Wildcard 2021, XSET 2021,
    Virtus Pro 2020

    Elites [2]
    Y4S4 Capitao, Y5S2 Dokkaebi

    Containment [4]
    2020, Vitality 2020, W7M 2020, W7M
    2021, Wildcard 2021, XSET 2021,
    Virtus Pro 2020

    Elites [2]
    Y454 Capitao, Y5S2 Dokkaebi

    Containment [4]
    Kaid Headgear, Blackbeard
    Headgear, G8A1 Modeled Hives,
    416-C Carbine Breakdown

    Apocalypse [3]
    Gridlock Uniform, Rook Headgear,
    MPX Eroded Loot

    Showdown [8]
    Rook Headgear, Alibi Uniform,
    Caveira Uniform, Capitao Headgear,
    Ash Uniform, LFP586 - Copper
    Barrel, PRB92 Guunslinger, Glaz

    Doktors Curse [1]
    Raw Flesh

    Bundles [1]
    Reliquiae Bundle

    Wind_Bastion [4]
    Blackbeard Headgear, Valkyrie
    Headgear, Ash Uniform, Hibana

    Ember_Rise [3]
    Lesion Headgear, Zofia Uniform,
    Amaru Uniform

    Influencers [2]
    Nesk, Razah

    Xbox - offSet nS

    Level - 167

    Attachment skins - arctic, black, brown, gray

    Seasonal Charms -
    Red Crow Gold
    Skull Rain Platinum
    Velvet Shell Platinum
    Blood orchid gold
    Steel wave platinum
    Crimson heist platinum
    Crystal Guard Diamond
    High Calibre Diamond

    Universal Skins - Enamored, Haze, Crimson, Blue Nebula, Wisdom Hospitality, Black

    Noticeable Skins - El Dorado, Ryuko, Chupinazo, Obsidian, Watch Dogs(Ash)

    Team Skins - Team Liquid(L85A2), Team liquid(Jager), Darkzero(Lesion/Oryx), Liquid(Zofia)

    Noticeable Uniforms - decontamination (Ash)

    Xbox - iiii qz

    Level 317

    K/D - 1.4(Seasonal)

    Currently Diamond

    Attachment skins - Arctic, Lifeblood flower, Sleek Lethality, Azurite, Black, Brown and Gray

    Good Seasonal Ranked Charms -
    Skull Rain Gold
    Red Crow
    Velvet Shell Gold
    Operation Health Platinum
    Blood Orchid Platinum
    White Noise platinum
    Chimera Platinum
    Para bellum platinum
    Void Edge Platinum
    Steel wave platinum
    North Star Platinum
    Crystal Guard platinum
    High calibre platinum
    Demon Veil Diamond

    Extra good Charms - Six Invitational Diamond’18, Capitao APAC Chibi, Doc EU Chibi

    Team Charms - Black Dragons(og), BRK(og), eXcellence gaming(og),

    Universal Skins - Diamond, Loyalty(Shaiiko skin), Waffle Cone, Amethyst, Emerald, Cyan, Gold, Ancestral Southwest, Rusty Trigger, Dynasty, White Dragon, Red Silk, Battle Fabric, Penumbra Cells, Sleek Lethality, Lifeblood Flower, Black, Blue Nebula, Plasma Pink, Firefly, Gray, Haze, Crimson, Arctic, Canary, Enamored and +++

    Noticeable Skins - Hot Chopper(Thermite), Aki no Tsuru, León Furioso, Crossfader, Ryuko, Skull Rain, Piranha, El Dorado, Loyalty(Shaiiko skin), Restricted(G36C), Golden Igy(Jager)

    Team Skins - Liquid(Jager), SMG(G2)

    Black Ice - SG-CQB, C8-SFW, CAMRS, FMG-9, 5.7 USG, M870, MP7, P12

    Elite sets - ash, IQ, jager, mute, smoke, twitch

    Pro League Sets/Major Region set - Finka EU , Dokkaebi Latam, Lesion APAC, Maverick NA, Melusi LATAM, Valkyrie NA, Hibana and Mozzie(Pro League sets)

    Xbox - ExdozRaphx

    Level - 153

    Rank - Diamond

    K/D - 1.1(General) 1.4(Seasonal)

    Good Seasonal Ranked Charms -
    Burnt Horizon Platinum
    Void Edge Platinum
    Shadow Legacy Platinum
    Neon Dawn Platinum
    Crimson Heist Platinum
    North Star Platinum
    Crystal Guard Diamond
    High Calibre Diamond
    Demon Veil Diamond

    Attachment Skins [1]
    Sentient Growth Attachment Skin

    Seasonal skins[5]
    White Dragon, Outbreak Code Red,
    Winter Knitting, Beach Trip,
    Primsmatic Glisten

    Black Ice [4]

    Racer [6]
    M1014, M45 Meusoc, UMP 45, 556XI,
    G360, R4C

    Other [3]
    Year 4 Season Pass, Year 2 Season
    Pass, Damascus Steel

    Pro League [4]
    Y2S3 - Smoke, Y2S3 Hibana, Y2S3
    Glaz, Y2S3 - Valkyrie

    Team Skins [2]
    Liquid Zofia 2019, Liquid Jager

    2019 Collection [1]
    Doc Uniform

    Halloween [1]

    Xbox - bd ziGaNe

    K/D - 1.6(Seasonal)

    W/L - 9.0(Seasonal)

    Attachment skins - Black, Brown and Gray

    Seasonal Charms -
    Chimera Silver
    White Noise Gold
    Velvet Shell Gold
    Steel Wave Gold
    Shadow Legacy Gold
    Para Bellum Gold
    Operation Health Gold
    Grim Sky Gold
    Void Edge Platinum
    Red Crow Platinum
    High Calibre Platinum
    Crimson Heist Platinum
    Demon Veil Diamond

    Skins - Arctic, Volcano, Azurite, Blue Nebula, Crimson

    Elite set - Ash

    Black Ice - L85A2

    Xbox - r4p4z AK

    Level - 192

    Attachment skins - Black, Brown, Gray and S.I 2022 Triumphant

    Noticeable Seasonal Ranked Charms -
    Shadow Legacy Platinum
    Neon Dawn Platinum
    Crimson Heist Platinum
    North Star Platinum
    Crystal Guard Platinum
    High Calibre Diamond
    Demon Veil Diamond

    Team Charms - Team Liquid, Rogue

    Universal Skins - Elephant, RUS WWII Camo, GBR WWII Camo, USA WWII Camo, USA Winter Camo, SWE Winter Camo, FIN Winter Camo, USA Reganomics, FRA Reganomics, SWE Reganomics, Wisdom and Hospitality, Sentient Growth, Thermal Antipodes, Gold Impact, Penumbra Cells, Outbreak Code Red, Gold, Platinum, Retro Steel, Year of the pig, Board cove, Crocodylus, Austral, Ocean’s teeth

    Noticeable Skins - Waffle Cone, Secret Star, Gingerbread, Signature Six’19

    Team Skins - Rogue(C8-SFW), mousesports(Vigil), Darkzero(ARX)

    Black Ice - G36C, R4-C, 552 Commando, 9x19VSN

    Elite sets - Sledge, Thatcher, Ash, Thermite, Blitz, IQ, Hibana, Mute, Pulse, Jager, Bandit, Valk

    Pro League Sets - Ash

    Xbox - wuyko

    404 Charms

    Level 391

    Seasonal Ranked Charms -
    Para Bellum Gold
    Grim Sky Platinum
    Wind Bastion Platinum
    Burnt Horizon Platinum
    Phantom Sight Platinum
    Ember Rise Platinum
    Shifting Tides Platinum
    Void Edge Platinum
    Steel Wave Diamond
    Shadow Legacy Diamond
    Neon Dawn Diamond
    Crimson Heist Diamond
    North Star Diamond
    High Calibre Diamond
    Demon Veil Currently Plat1(but will surely get Diamond)

    Attachment skins - First Class Burglary, S.I. 2022 Triumphant, Signature Six ‘21, Arctic, Chroma Streaks(Purple aim), Dystopian Survival, Moss-Grown Ruin, Search and Rescue, Thermal Antipodes, Wisdom and Hospitality, Crimson, Tall Grass, Velveteen, Black, Brown, Gray

    Universal Skins - First Class Burglary, S.I 2022 Triumphant, Signature Six’20, Signature Six’21, Velveteen, Arctic, Battle Fabric, Beach Trip, Chroma Streaks, Clog Dance, Deco Artistry, Diamond, Dynasty, Mission Blacksmith, Moss-Grown Ruin, Penumbra Cells, Red Silk, River Scale, Search and Rescue, Sentient Growth, Signature Six’19, Snaskeskin, Surgical Stitch, Thermal Antipodes, Vintage Festivity, White Dragon, Winter Knitting, Wisdom and Hospitality, Year of the ox, Year of the rat, Year of the tiger, Amethyst, Canary, Diamond, Volcano and a lot more(+++)

    Team Skins - FaZe, EG(R4C), INTZ(556XI), Penta, EG and INTZ(F2), mibr, Cowana and team oNe(C8-SFW), Liquid(FMG9), Rogue(M590A1), Chaos and G2(SMG-11), EG and navi(MP5), Rogue, G2, mibr, Liquid(416-C Carbine)

    Black Ice - R4C, G36C, M45, 5.7 USG, L85A2, AR33, M1014, F2, 417, SG-CQB, P9, OTS-03, PMM, 6P41, GSH-18, AUG A2, 552 Commando, G8A1, CAMRS, SMG-11, MP5K, SASG-12, 416-C Carbine, MP7, 9mm C1

    Elite sets - Caveira, Capitão, Bandit, Ash Lara croft, Ela, Fuze, Hibana, IQ, Jager, Mira, Mute, Pulse, Rook, Twitch, Valk, Zofia

    Pro League Sets - Jager, Goyo, Amaru, Kali, Nokk, Vigil, Wamai, Warden, Sledge, IQ, Fuze, Tachanka, Twitch, Thermite, Thatcher

    Streamers charms - BikiniBodhi

    Xbox - Dest xRusty

    Level - 116

    Rank - Diamond

    K/D - 1.2

    W/L - 1.6

    Attachment skins - Black, Brown, Gray

    Seasonal Charms - Skull Rain Copper, Red Crow Platinum, Velvet Shell Gold, Operation Health Silver, White Noise Platinum, North Star Diamond

    Extra Charms - Elite Ash Chibi, Baguette, Egg Hunt, Fudgy Bunny, Parasite Six, Twitch’s shock drone, Countdown, Deep Pockets, Disco ball, Faithful Flare Gun, Fire Starter, JTF2 MOTTO, Party 2018

    Universal Skins - Arctic, Retro Steel(Outbreak), COLD WAR-VNM

    Noticeable Skins - Glory(R4C), Liberté(F2), Requin(F2),

    Team Skins - Knights, Fnatic(Ash, Iana), Team Liquid(Sledge, Thatcher), Knights(Doc, Melusi, Rook), Natus Vincere(Mozzie, Aruni), G2 Esports(Jager)

    Noticeable Uniforms - Decontamination(Glaz Outbreak), S.A.S DARK WOODLAND(Smoke)

    Elite sets - Ash(Sidewinder)

    Black Ice - AR33(Thatcher and Flores)
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