Selling  High End  PC  1-6 Hours PvE and PvP End-game Destiny 2 Account | 1500 + | Read Post For Information

Discussion in 'Destiny 2 Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell | Cheap & Safe' started by RawadAJ, 5/6/22.

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  1. RawadAJ

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    I am selling my end-game Destiny 2 account (Steam but can be used on other platforms via cross-play) with over 3000 hours. ID is Rawad#9056.

    Below I will list most relevant information about my account:

    - 3 different characters (1560), +24 artifact bonus, Season Pass rank 295
    - All DLCs purchased (including the Witch Queen deluxe edition which includes all future seasons from this year)
    - Weapons: Mostly PvE weapons, all weapons required to complete any end-game activity in the game (GMs, Master Raids, Day One Raids), some examples are 5/5 Fatebringer, Heritage & Reed's Regret, crafted Submission, Deliverance, Thoughtless & Palmyra-B
    - Patterns: All but four weapon patterns unlocked
    - Exotics: All 105 armor exotics unlocked, 91/93 weapon exotics (missing two mediocre glaives), all exotic catalysts completed
    - Cosmetics: Obtained almost all currently available collection items, including Trials of Osiris cosmetics, Raid cosmetics, a ton of store cosmetics as well
    - Emblems: 3 Day One emblems, all available sherpa emblems, a ton of store emblems
    - Materials: Almost full on materials, 240 spoils available for use
    - Quests: Every single quest in the game has been completed on every single character
    - Triumphs: 18585 active triumph score which is 10 points below the maximum
    - Seals: All seals currently obtainable are completed (fully gilded), in total that's 29/33 seals unlocked
    - PvE: Gilded Conqueror x4, over 350 raids completed, 50 Master raids completed, Day 1 DSC / VoG / VotD, very respectable Day 1 placements, all raid exotics,
    - PvP: Gilded Flawless x2, Gilded Unbroken x4, 1.65 Trials K/D, 2.12 seasonal Trials K/D, 6x Legend rank,

    Remember, if you want to check that all the above information is correct, please check all provided links.

    As you can see from above, my account is pretty much maxxed out on everything. As such, I feel like 1500$ is reasonable. To discuss and negotiate with me, please message Rawad#2397 on Discord.

    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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