Selling  High End  Android  Level 150+ 4 Years old L.260 top notch account for sale (Diamond 3 league - Grade 13500)

Discussion in 'Walking Dead Road to Survival Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by NicoLanar, 4/13/22.

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  1. NicoLanar

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    Toons worth mentionning for the current meta include:
    • LB3: Trader, William, Angel, Davie, Mr Liu, Andre, Vance, Skeleton Steve, Lydia, Gentleman, Ezechiel, Pamela, Mike, Daiyu, Uncle Sam, Cliff, Harper and many more.
    • LB2: Titan, Laopo, Christmas Shiva, Michonne 2000, Lady Z,... There's 2 Wolf also.
    If you defend or attack with other toons just ask, they're probably there. Been hitting 500k easily in the last few CRW and my defense held up. Just don't have Priya yet!

    Exceptionnal amount of ressources available:
    • 520 Bennies, Brady, Basil and much more waiting in my inbox, just dont know what to do with my trainers anymore...
    • 18 Maddox and Madeline, over 300 Lilith and Ullyses
    • 750 world and raid cans, 900 war cans, 260 survival road cans
    • You won't need to craft another weapon, but 1.5m armory tokens, over 100 torches and so on to instantly do if needed
    • 70 arena tickets, 1m4 league tokens, more medals sitting in boxes than a dictator
    • Enough gear for the rest of the year...
    Bonus: 1 transfer key and the account in not in cooldown! (current region Monroe (Fr))

    Pics and more info available through line, just hit me up here or somewhere else: Nico L'Anar
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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