Selling    ALL PS4 and PS5 Games you want

Discussion in 'PlayStation Network Accounts | PSN Account - Buy & Sell' started by AccountLister, 2/26/22.

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  1. AccountLister

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    ALL PS4 and PS5 Games you want are available for sale, games are digitally transferred to your PS4 Console and you can play from your personal PSN Account and receive all achievements.
    We will personally guide you during the process
    The process takes 2-5 minutes only. and we have a full tutorial on our channel

    Can I Play the Games from My own PSN ID?

    Yes You must play the purchased games from your personal PSN ID only

    Any Console BAN Risk??

    100% No personal account or Console Ban risk.
    In the worst case if you mess up the account you purchased the purchased games may lock but no risk to your console.

    Can I Play Games Online?

    Yes, You can play both offline/online

    Accounts will work on any ps4 or PS5 and countries?

    Yes, all accounts work on any ps4 consoles with any regions

    What Is The Warranty? How Long Do Games Last?

    PS PLUS Multiplayer membership comes with 12 months one-time replacement warranty.
    No warranty on games after they are transferred and start downloading on your PS4.

    It's totally worth the price you pay, as you are getting a tonne of PS4 and ps5 games for the cost of half a game when bought in bundles.

    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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