I help freely if it's just for some hours or so! (Meaning Coop is free but only if it's for a maximum of 2 hours) Europe Uid: 719039331 America: 620822133 If you really want me to farm your acc, then let's say exploration: 1$ per Culus, 0.1$ per chest (but only if you got the chest finder), 1-5$ per quest (1$ normal everything - 5$ on Tsurumi Island and Tarasuna) Reputation: 1$ per week lol Boss (coop is free) is no coop then 0.5 per boss Building Character: Give advice for free, but if for boosting farming: (That can be lengthy coz of Rng) 5$ per Hour (Yes to be fair, why Its expensive i don't want to farm just take some advice and do the farming yourself, will give a guide for ya on how to build a little later for free if you contact me by discord) Service 1 person at a time, using the Resin of the account. Discord: xfxfx#6026