Selling      DbD All Items/Offerings/Perks/Prestige for a cheap price (PayPal FnF only)

Discussion in 'Dead by Daylight Accounts for Sale - Buy Sell DBD Account' started by DbD Boosting, 2/11/22.

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  1. DbD Boosting

    DbD Boosting
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    Hello, I am selling a boosting/account service that'll allow you to get Max Prestige with all items/offerings/perks/addons for every single Killer/Survivor in the game with no bans for over 2 years. There are various methods to this process.

    1. ($5) You let me login to either your Main or Alt Steam/Epic account that has Dead by Daylight. (I heavily suggest Alt)

    2. ($10) You pay a tiny bit extra for me to give you an Alt Steam/Epic account with DbD on it with the # goods. (Which you can change the details of after I give it to you and you check the account out)

    The accounts come with all items/addons/offerings x999, all perks and every Survivor/Killer Max Prestige (even ones you don't own yet so they'll be ready from the get go as soon as you buy them)
    I also offer custom Killer/Survivor rank for an additional $1 and also Legacy for another $1.

    I can do custom orders that heavily change the pricing (like asking me to give you a # Stranger Things account, an account with DLC, etc.) and I can guarantee that you will not be banned unless you make players suspicious of you and report you. (For example, wearing Legacy on a new Account, wearing a Max Prestige Outfit with only a few hours, etc.) So you can private your account if you're using an alt until it looks more legit so the risk drops from low to 0.

    My discord is DbD Boosting#3665 and you can also message me on here or ask to join my new discord server too. Contact me by these means to ask questions and make your order.

    (And please keep in mind I am an UK College student so try to keep our timezones in mind when adding me)
    #1 DbD Boosting, 2/11/22
    Last edited: 2/11/22
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  2. OP
    DbD Boosting

    DbD Boosting
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    Since I am new here and I want to build rep, THE FIRST FEW PEOPLE WILL GET SAVINGS!

    1. If you have an account for me already, I have decided it'd still cost $5 BUT Custom Rank + Legacy will be included with it and I'll # the account before you pay as long as you have a decent rep.

    2. If you want me to provide an account, you'll have to pay first but it'll only cost $8. I'll also just throw in another free Custom Rank + Legacy IF you want me to give you an Alt Epic Games account.
    #2 DbD Boosting, 2/11/22
    Last edited: 2/18/22
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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