Selling  EU West  Unranked/Smurf  Level 30+  1-24 Hours [EUW] LVL 31 UNRANKED ACC, RARE LEGACY SKINS URF WARWICK, UFO CORKI AND MORE

Discussion in 'League of Legends Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Toastbrot, 1/27/22.

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  1. Toastbrot

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    Selling my own Account since I don't play the game anymore at all.
    I've been playing the game at launch so I have several legacy Skins which are not available anymore including Judgement Kayle, Ufo Corki, Riot Girl Tristana and the Original Urf the Manatee Skin for Warwick (aswell as the new Urfwick version).
    It also comes with legendary Skins 'Suprise Party Fiddle' and 'True Damage Ekko'
    The Account is completely Unranked and hasn't been played in ages.
    It was linked to my Amazon Prime so there are some Riot Points (enough for a Name Change for example), enough Orange Essence to Craft a Legendary Skin and 3 permanent Epic Skins (Zac, Yasuo, Jhin) which I don't have unlocked since I don't own the Champion.

    I'm available for offers or any further questions regarding the Account.
    Msg me here or on Discord: Toastbrot#3131

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