BBS Starter account 2022,4/5 Safwy Retsu,1 purple special move source

Discussion in 'Bleach Brave Souls Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by ProdigySon, 1/26/22.

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  1. ProdigySon

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    Selling bbs starter account

    Log in days : 8
    has : 4/5 Safwy Unohana (ny ver.) 2/5 5th anniversary byakuya and more good 5* units
    aswell as 1 purple special move source from Ny point event

    Resources used : abt 20 raid 5* characters,20 4 * and,20 3* maxed , first 10 chapters of story finished(normal mode)

    Resources left : Starter account gets abt 22k orbs ,This one has 17+k left ,Side story, sub story unTouched ,Hard mode of story untouched, 4* radis untouched ,5* raids ,half available

    Account has some materials ,since I farmed around 10 milion points on Ny point event,also has 100 editing brushes from ny co op event,and 1 purple special move source

    Has Units for every week of guild quest (Including Espada ,with having espada Killer Barragan)

    All in all very good starter account,rerroled at the best time ,with completing 2 more story chapters Cronicle quest is unlocked and you get to transcend your units (which is by far strongest power up sysytem in the game),and can reach end game with this account in 2 months,very quickly you can do all content in the game

    price : 30$

    For anymore Info on account or even bbs advice feel free to dm , Prodigy_son#1743 on discord,or here on the site

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