Selling  Android and iOS  High End  Original Owner (Yes) Alchemy Stars WHALE endgame account, top 100 legend (codex), GLOBAL server, DMM login

Discussion in 'Alchemy Stars Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by Joseph Ario, 1/25/22.

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  1. Joseph Ario

    Joseph Ario
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    My Location:
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    Day 1 (one) pre-registered account, with all deluxe event book marks and premium decorations/avatars/chibis, almost all currently available decorations in the game, 108 aurorians, 26 6 stars and at least 14 dupes, all Dragon's maid collab units, preemp Bethlehem, 3 legendary aurorians (already max level), 52+ already built aurorians, and by that I mean A3, level 40~80, E10, affinity 6~10 (more than half already max affinity), every single element "dominated" (has two really strong teams), 5 and 6 stars ONLY account, still has Spire and Elysium content available for clear (valuable rewards), GORGEOUS colossus rooms decorations and 2 months of pass already purchased (plus the current event book mark). Extra info; a decent amount of resources in general, almost all Lumo purchases with 2x value available, no store skins owned (those will show up again sooner or later) and no unbind option available, DMM will be your only way to login but if in the future a way to unbind accounts get added I'll gladly do it. There's more to be said but not enough space in one tread. The price is not #. Contact me via discord (NoiteBranca#6880) for more USEFUL and UPDATED account information.

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    #1 Joseph Ario, 1/25/22
    Last edited: 1/28/22
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
  2. OP
    Joseph Ario

    Joseph Ario
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    Important update. The price was changed to $400 because I'm quitting the game and won't be buying the deluxe book mark nor the monthly pass (total value of $25), the account will be kept active until March, 18. The only way to buy the account will be through AuctionPlayer (swap the A and P words), there's no way I can share a link but my account is the only one being sold in that platform, just search a little bit.
    The description and price are the same as here and It's set to instant delivery what means that the platform already has the email, password and a mini tutorial I left, so players can login properly and enjoy the game, there's also a 7 days warranty. Thanks for reading.

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    #2 Joseph Ario, 3/14/22
    Last edited: 3/25/22
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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