Selling  Both Android/iOS Howrse account (transfered account from the closing AR server)

Discussion in 'Howrse Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by geniestimes, 1/23/22.

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  1. geniestimes

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    My Location:
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    International server.
    The account has 222 000 Equus and 1080 passes.

    23 Divines, among them:
    - Sagittarius
    - Charming Red
    - Je t'aime
    - Agate
    - 3 x Midas
    - Virgo
    - Etrian
    - Wikaïla
    - Tangaroa
    - Caryopsis
    - Eurus
    - Cascade
    - Greyfell
    - Tāwhirimātea
    - Blitzen
    - Thor
    - Tianma
    - Tāne-mahuta
    - Cupid
    - Donner
    - Celeris

    1 Wild horse:
    - Spanish Mustang

    Black market items:
    [​IMG]Champion Seed
    x 10
    [​IMG]Gaïa Foal
    x 10
    [​IMG]Aging point
    x 300
    [​IMG]Nyx Pack
    x 3
    [​IMG]Hera's Pack
    x 5
    [​IMG]Harmony Pack
    x 3
    [​IMG]Poseidon's Pack
    x 10
    [​IMG]Bonus Pack
    x 5
    x 1

    Apart from that nothing else is present because the account was transferred from the Arabic server at its closing and wasn't used after the transfer.

    The link to check:

    Contact: [email protected]
    #1 geniestimes, 1/23/22
    Last edited: 1/23/22
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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