Hi, I have on sale high-end game account. Created in 2016, I'm the first owner. Main character Mystic 64lv 305/301/401 Perfect account management with seperate alts for life skills Worker empire for passive income 70k+ barters done with carrack Almost every class level 60+ Family, character name coupons Multiple weapon change coupons Combat/Skill EXP transfer coupons 8k+ family fame for 1.5% market tax Perfect fairy: - miraculous cheer V (auto-use potion) - weight penalty reduction V (125%) - fairy's tear III (cooldown 3h) - morning star (lamp) Ready for Fallen God Helmet: -1000 mass of pure magic. Gear on screen is worth over 900 bilions, another 100b in other stuff + mats. Price is nego tiable, if you have any questions feel free to ask me.