Selling  Stage 21-40 Mid-ter farmed DL acc: jan. 14th: ABYSS ACTORS, Harpies, BLACKWINGS, Cydras, Puppets, WATER Fish X

Discussion in 'Yu-Gi-Oh! Yugioh Duel Links Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by Dande339, 1/14/22.

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  1. Dande339

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    Selling for time, I have a principal semi whale account and I play chinese DL either sometimes. I have farmed this account for decks I havent, 1 or twice per day, consecutive or days a half the 3 npcs & vagrant and daily events duels about 1.5 years since july 20´. You can easely get the new tier 3 abyss actor with about 13500 gems in-game and dinomist (rogue-meta potencial in future). Sylvio already unlocked! Mid-term account in terms of characters farming. I can traspass the Steam account for pc version.


    *UPDATE JANUARY 14TH: ALL GEMS expended on abyss actors, 1 Blue eyes SD, Canadia box 1 pass, 2 Ur dream tickets on 2 divas.


    9999 gems, 8M gold, 29 sheets of items in gift box (about 3700 in there) and expires starting january 16th. This info and announce is from january 2nd. Chilean account and duelist (sorry if english mistakes), you can change the country 1 time remaining. The account preserves the vagrants from beginning for extreme details lol. I just want make inventory of what I made onto this acc for personal interest (clearing clarify me all the potencial of this secondary acc) writing in Word and eventually thinking to sell this acc-

    Worlds (DM/GX/5DS/DSOD/ZEXAL/ARC-V) levels: 31 / 12 / 6 / 6 / 12 / 8

    Unlocked Characters (from 74 in total) DM: 15/23 | GX: 12/16 | 5DS: 10/15 | DSOD: 4/8 | ZEXAL: 7/7 | ARC-V: 3/5 -> 51 unlocked and semifarmed and 23 sack of gems waiting for unlock.

    Lvl 29-31: 18, lvl 32-34: 10, lvl 35-39: 12, lvl 40-45: 3, lvl <29 many ones barely farmed: 9

    None Structures almost: 1 dragunity overdrive, and only one purchase with gems of cyber style xtreme. (I have cyber dragon previous this SD)_

    Bundles purchased: Canadia, Floodgate, CC

    Major staples: 1 fiendish, 1 raigeki break, 2 karma cut, 2 canadia, 1 floodgate, 1 bad aim (in my opinion is very useful, for that reason the dragunity sd purchase), 1 TTH, 2 MST, 2 Ccyclone, 2 chalice, 3 sphere kuriboh.

    “Rogue” or ocasional staples/tech cards: 1 dimensional prison, 2 sakuretsu, 1 hallucigenia, 1 needle ceiling, 1 wiretap, 2 void trap hole, 1 smashing ground, 2 lightning vortex, 2 fissure, 2 brain control, 1 jelly cannon, 2 artifact lancea, 2 wall of D, 1 herald of the abyss, 1 necrovalley, 1 night beam, 1 dark world dealings, 1 parallel twister, 2 chain dissapearence, 1 gyokkou formation, 1 michizure (doesn’t target), 2 offerings to the doomed, 3 Neo Spacian grand mole-

    Fun staples and techs: 1 deffensive draw, 2 impenetrable attack, 1 draining shield, 1 united we stand, 1 reincarnated monster, 3 black forest witch, 1 goblindbergh, 1 sangan, 1 the deep grave, 2 psychic wheeleder

    Extra deck meta and non-meta but relevant in some meta options or rogue decks, sorry about the order: 3 abyss dweller, 1 maestroke, 1 spider draco shark, 1 delteros, 1 trishula, 1 coral d., 2 ancient pixie d., 1 michael, 1 schuberta, 1 spiritual BEyes, 1 ascalon, 1 spark dragon, 1 squiresaga, 3 brionac, 2 purgatrio, 2 quarion, 1 ancient fairy, 2 gorgonic guardian, 4 zombiestein, 1 catastor, 2 adreus, 2 diamond d. wolf, 1 zenmaines, 1 gagaga samurai, 2 naturia barkion, 1 vulcan the divine, 7 dark end dragon (for resonators but I don’t have it), 1 f. lady every, 2 wa dolphins, 1 ph bouncer, 1 cochroach, 1 N70 malevolent sin, 1 dyson sphere (good xyz rank 9)

    Other relevant complete and incomplete archetypes cards: 2 moray of greed (from 1st mini box for some water decks), 1 senju, 2 sonic bird, 1 magician navigation & 1 circle of Dmagic (for upcoming SD you save 1), sea stealh attack motordrive for water decks with mythic dephs skill (2 traps and 2 whales), Blue eyes (1 sage & 1 maiden & 1 spiritual dragon & 2 stones & 1 Coc; the second you can get from the box with 50% gems sale at 47 remaining packs and save 2 blue eyes SD if you go for this deck), 2 contract with swamp king & 1 with the door & 1 swirl slime (save 1 DDD SD), 2 charges & 2 raiden, 2 triamid cruiser & 1 sphinx (the sr for triamids), 1 gold gadget & 2 silver, 2 grand neos for this version of the deck & 3 moles & 1 miracle fusion, 1 wisel meklord (tech card either), 2 stratos (1 original, 1 alt art), 1 miscellaneosaur (excellent dino!), 1 lunalight y. marten & 1 sabre dancer, 3 jet sinchron (for grave decks), 1 deep sea diva & 2 atlantean marksman & 1 heavy infantry, 3 bujin yamato & 2 bujingi crane, 1 o-lion, 1 glife and 3 stromberg castle, 2 evilswarm mandragora & 2 heliotrope & 1 castor & 2 kerykeion, 4 swallow nest, 1 dragunity & 1 couse & 2 dragunity dux

    COMPLETED DECKS: GIMMICK PUPPET, VAMPIRES, old RIKKAS, FISH XYZ, HARPIES, SUPER HEAVY SAMURAI, CYBER DRAGON old version with 3 fusion gate, BLACK WINGS. Some of these decks have core prismatic cards, and blackwings 2 of they also the animated playmat and sleeve. Some whalers expend so much money for prismas and you get easily zephyros and bora prismatic. (This is a price hike for the account, too.)

    ALREADY COMPLETING THESE DECKS (* for missing cards): INZEKTORS: *0 cocoon of ultra evolution (you can go for 1 time pass rampage of the forest mini box in 50% gems season sale and trade 1 hey trunade for 1 coccon and get the 3rd copy with a sr dream ticket and complete this rare archetype), *some extra deck missing cards; PHOTON: *1 photon trasher of 2, *2 photon orbital of 3 (but many times you use 2), *1 photon vanisher of 2, *0 lizard of 2~3; NEOS MOLE: *2~3 structures; CHRONOMALY: *1 UR skull of 3 (wait for UR 1 dollar deals), *0 of 1~2 atlandis, *0 of 2 force focus, sadge this L; T. G. all versions: *2 of 3 raiden, *1 of 3 misc, *some missing staples, *0 of 2 oasis, *0 hama, *0 black rose, *0 forbidden lance (optional), *0 o-e meteorburst dragon; EVILSWARM : better wait for Ophion and future support, some cards missing and many of them in actual current version will be careless in future like Unexpected Dai, i guess.

    EXTRA DECK RELEVANT MISSING CARDS: both Utopia, gaia draco charger, mech vermillion, black rose dragon, excalibur, odd-eyes meteorburst dragon, M7, Heliopolis and few more.


    MORE THINGS: sleeves, playmats and icons unlocked form most events since July 20´ above +80%; priceful purchased accessories: 1 animated mat, 1 normal mat, 5 sleeves. 3 DREAM UR and 1 DREAM SR TICKETS & 3 skill tickets; Opened packs in duelist page info: 3792; 215461 gate keys!!; 10602 ´R´ jewels for prismatic conversions; 200+ prismatic icon; Valuable prismatic from boxes, and many of them good looking archetype core cards: cyber dragon core, harpie channeler, blackwings: bora & zephyros, N15: Gimmick Puppet Giant Grinder, Dark World Dealings; *many cyber angels prismatic cards & cydras prismatic cards & event prisma cards.

    I want sell this for a beginner wanna be a pro kinda duelist who enjoys the game even fun decktypes and think about investing money to advance in this game.

    CURRENT TIER LIST: Harpies = done; Melodious = impossible, or expend money on selection box super mini vol 01 best way; Abyss Actor: YES with 13500 gems I want it; Destiny Heros: 2 Destiny Rulers mini SD, excalibur (UR dream), 2 ankis, one from box (Valiant Souls, you get also 3rd canadia, 2nd needle ceiling, 2nd dark world dealings and a second life I guess) including 2 change of mask in there with 50% gems deal season, then later get the other anki with UR dream ticket & 3rd mask change with Hero generation mini SD, max out Aster for Blast, 2 stratos is fine, prismatic decider in trader, and finally dreadmaster in upcoming anniversary sr dream ticket I guess, TD: very old, nope. Water XYZ: missing 2 divas (2 dream tickets), 2~3 heavy infantry, wait 50% gems sale season for they (Gaia Genesis 1 pass, and get Galaxy Cyclone for photons and Drawning Mirror Force for side deck water xyz or other decks by the way!). Book of Moon: so much freaking gems :/ and then, overrated, nope.

    Farm like a madman 50% experience campaign and wait 50% gems sale and decide for complete Meta decks.

    Beyes.PNG bwings.PNG fish.PNG gimmick.PNG haarp.PNG nice prismas.PNG
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