Selling  Europe  PC  Google  Female  Original Owner (Yes) EU AR 58 Whale Account, All Characters Talent 8/8/8, Lv 80

Discussion in 'Genshin Impact Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by Heeoem, 1/14/22.

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  1. Heeoem

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    Disclaimer: Will only do transcation via Playerup Site's middleman. All attempts to do transcation via paypal will be ignored unless you are willing to pay using the friends and family option. I am well aware of the paypal chargeback scam. Please private message me via the site or email me using my email [email protected] if you want more pics.

    Due to picture size restrictions all pics is uploaded onto google drive, simply add a dot com to the end of the word google.

    Genshin Impact EU Region Whale Account.

    AR 58.

    All Characters, only missing Diluc, Xiao and Shenhe.

    All Characters Talents are 8/8/8 and level 80, with the exception of Yunjin who will reach it within 2 days of account listing.

    All Characters equipped with suitable 4 Star and above weapon, each Lv 70 and above.

    Constellation Level:

    5 Star:

    C3: Qiqi

    C1: Zhongli, Jean, Ayaka, Mona, Klee

    C0: The rest

    4 Star:

    C6: Ningguang, Noelle, Rosaria, Diona, Chongyun, Fishcl, Beidou, Razor, Xingqiu, Barbara, Xiangling

    C5: Benette

    C4: Kaeya

    C3:Sucrose, Sara, Lisa, Gorou

    C1: Thoma, Yunjin

    C0: The rest
    #1 Heeoem, 1/14/22
    Last edited: 1/14/22
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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