Selling  12 Months  1-24 Hours HQ Spotify Accounts -- Lifetime Warranty

Discussion in 'Spotify Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by slimesinedy, 12/30/21.

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  1. slimesinedy

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    --What is Spotify?
    Spotify is a digital music, podcast, and video service that gives you access to millions of songs and other content from creators all over the world.
    --Why should you get Spotify Premium?
    One of the best features of the premium account is that you can download tracks for offline listening in both the mobile and desktop apps. This is great if you want to save on mobile data or don’t always have your laptop or phone connected to the internet while you work. It turns Spotify into an offline music service rather than an online music streaming service.
    You also get the ability to listen to higher quality audio streams. On the free plan, tracks are streamed at 96kbps on mobile and 160kbps on your computer—a small, but noticeable drop in quality compared to a CD. With Premium, you can listen to tracks at up to 320kbps which is, for most people, completely indistinguishable from CD quality audio.

    Spotify Premium usually costs $9.99 or more per month.
    I am selling it for $9.99 for LIFETIME (+ warranty)
    Make the switch today and enjoy high quality music.
    #1 slimesinedy, 12/30/21
    Last edited: 1/3/22
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