Selling  Level 80+  Android and iOS  Original Owner (Yes) Top War Battle Game/level 80/Navy main/32 SSR heroes/Lot of unused items in inventory/VIP 6

Discussion in 'Top War Battle Game Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by tonystank69, 12/20/21.

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  1. tonystank69

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    Top War Battle Game/level 80/Navy main/32 SSR heroes/Lot of unused items in inventory/VIP 6 with server transfer application.

    CVN-68 Base Skin, Golden Wish Base Decor & 7 nameplates available. 3 Permanent march queue & Avatar upload available. Playing in a fairly new server ( ~14..)

    EL Items also unused & available for next EL (10 ancient tokens & almost 6k coins)
    • SSR Bumblebee- level 120(5 star)
    • SSR Yuu- level 100(4 star) level 2 exclusive skill(2 in inventory, 1 more level 2 exclusive skill needed to merge to level 3 exclusive skill)
    • SSR Bassel- level 100(4 star) level 4 exclusive skill
    • SSR Nimitz- level 80(3 star) level 4 exclusive skill
    • SSR Chloe- level 80(3 star) level 3 exclusive skill
    Other SSR heroes bought- Dante(level 60), 914(level 60), Kate Curry(5 star) Optimus Prime(level 60), Violet(level 60), Maximo(level 40), Preycis(level 40), Selina(level 40). All the SR & R heroes available are 5 stars.

    Bradley & Katyusha level 80 each & both of them have level 4 exclusive skills. Tywin & Ganso level 80 each & both of them have level 3 exclusive skills(Gathering speed +15% for each of them). Many other SSR heroes available.

    VIP 6 account

    Minimum 12k gems available in inventory + 3.2k in game. Not included the Super lucky, Premium Lucky and gem bags (extra 890 - 5000 gems)

    100k+ tech choice boxes, 8k+ shining gold chest, 50 VIT x 85 capsules, 10 VIT x 280 capsules, 15+ Universal exclusive Skill Shard, 5 Server Transfer Application, 75+ Elite Hero Vouchers, 90+ Premium Hero Vouchers & many more.

    Finance Center- Daily free 300 gems(from Ads but you don't have to watch Ads because account is VIP6- get it for free), 37k+ Military Tickets(for Legion Store), 291k+ Medal of Glory(for Expedition Store), 65+ SvS store tickets, 44k+ Island store tickets, 11.5k+ Exchange Store Points.

    #1 tonystank69, 12/20/21
    Last edited: 12/20/21
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  2. OP

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    Now I have two 5 star SSR heroes (Bassel upgraded to 5 star, level 120).
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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