Discussion in 'Smite Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell - Cheap Safe' started by oldzinga, 12/19/21.

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  1. oldzinga

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    DC: godzinga#7974
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    Achiles: Myrmidon(Recolor), Golden, Legendary.

    Agni: Incinerator(Recolor), Volcanic, Swagni, Triumph & Agni(Exclusive), Gemini(Exclusive), Encore(Exclusive), Ice Mage(Exclusive).

    Ah Muzen Cab: Sting(Recolor), Dark Whisperer, Killer Bee, Swarm Sentry(Exclusive), Void Piercer(Exclusive), Solid Hornet(Limited), Golden, Diamond.

    Ah Puch: Death Mask(Recolor), Galactic Invader, Nutrcromancer(Exclusive), Chilling Grasp(Exclusive), Freaky Tiki(Exclusive), Infinite Seer(Exclusive).

    Amaterasu: Cerulean Sky(Recolor), Shining Heaven, Ordo Solarus, Foxy(Exclusive), Sun Kissed(Exclusive), Sunny Chibi(Exclusive), Swc 2017 Heroine(Limited), Legendary.

    Anhur: Olympian, Jungle King(recolor), Sand Warden, Fnatic(Exclusive), Duke Dan De Lyons(Exclusive), Star Lancer(Exclusive), Royal Fury(Exclusive), Star Slayer(Limited), Unbreakable(Exclusive), Shado(Clan), Legendary, Diamond.

    Anubis: NightWalker(Recolor), GraveHound, Stargazer, Afterlife, Convention 2016(Exclusive), Adjudicator(Exclusive), K-9(Exclusive), Jackal Knight(Exclusive), Cosmic Power(Exclusive), Death Dragon(Exclusive), Demonic Pact(Limited), Diamond.

    Ao Kuang: Tempest(Recolor), Dragon King, Clockwork Knight(Exclusive), NRG(Exclusive), Sand Viper(Exclusive), Admiral(Exclusive), Dragon Knight(Limited), Golden, Legendary, Diamond.

    Aphrodite: Majestrix, Afro-dite, Diva, Beach Babe(Exclusive), Aphra Cadabra(Exclusive), Bunny Bomber(Exclusive), SWC 2018 QUEEN(Limited), Diamond.

    Apollo: SlickShot(Recolor), Elite Agent, Battle Bard, Team SOLOMID(Exclusive), Curse Voice(Exclusive), Vicious(Limited), 2017 Challenger(Limited), Winner's Circle(Limited), Golden, Diamond.

    Arachne: Black Widow, Toxic Caress(Recolor), Grim Weaver(Exclusive), Tornamentula(Exclusive), Ma Chérie(Exclusive), Itsy Bitsy Chibi(Exclusive), Golden, Diamond.

    Ares: Destroyer(Recolor), Diamong Sowrd, Primal Fire, Classic Ares, Swc 2015(Exclusive), Soldier of Fortune(Exclusive), Spectral Sword(Exclusive), Abyssaç Knight(Exclusive), Primal Steel(Exclusive).

    Artemis: Stalker(Recolor), Wrangler, Recon, Briar Queen, Convention 2012(Exclusive), Primal Huntress(Exclusive), Oak-Seer(Exclusive), Moonlit Ranger(Exclusive), Orbital Scout(Exclusive), Dread Captain(Exclusive), Legendary

    Artio: Den Mother(Recolor), Wild Druid, Arctic Seer(Exclusive), Fabled(Exclusive), Spirtir Guide(Unlimited).

    Athena: High Counselor, Red Star, Shield of the Gorgon, Peacekeeper, Liberté(Exclusive), Enforcer(Exclusive), Amazon(Exclusive), knight of Wisdon(Exclusive), Blight Guardian(Exclusive), Sinister Sentinel(Exclusive).

    Awilix: Blood Moon, Renegade, Midnight Dove, Paradigm(Exclusive), Feline Fashion(Exclusive), Diamond

    Baba Yaga: Grim Mother

    Bacchus: Regal Reveler(Recolor), Brynhildr, Father Chrishmash(Exclusive), The King(Exclusive), Enemy(Exclusive), Hoot'm Hooller(Exclusive), Super Chill(Exclusive), Bearly Buzzed(Limited)

    Bakasura: Death Machine, Butcher(Recolor), Ravenous, Laughing Skull, Feaster Bunny(Exclusive), Code Eater(Exclusive), Legendary, Diamond.

    Baron Samedi: Red Rum(Recolor), Illuminator, Golden Touch(Exclusive), Golden.

    Bastet: Dominatrix(Recolor), Covert Ops, Kawaii Pop, Aracne Assassin, Crimson Ops(Exclusive), Star Tamer(Exclusive).

    Bellona: Battle Maiden(Recolor), Torment, Furiona(Exclusive), SPL 2016(Exclusive), Rock-A-Bellona(Exclusive), Pro League(Exclusive), Agony(Exclusive), Defiant(Exclusive), Anarchist(Exclusive), Gizmo(Exclusive).

    Cabrakan: Rampage(Recolor), Gamma Slam, Nerd Rage(Exclusive), Tremor Tech(Exclusive).

    Camazotz: Penumbra(Recolor), Xibalba's Shadow, Jurassic(Exclusive), Terror-Dactyl(Exclusive), Stone Sentinel(Exclusive), Brimstone Beast(Exclusive), Golden, Diamond.

    Cerberus: HellWatch(Recolor), Oblivion Hound(Exclusive), Brimstone(Exclusive).

    Cernunnos: Samhain(Recolor), Warden, Krampus(Exclusive), Convention 2018(Exclusive), HellScape(Exclusive), Cursed King(Limited).

    Chaac: HailStorm(Recolor), Slaughterhouse, Boom Chaac-A-Laka, Chaac Latin America(Exclusive), Chaac Brazil(Exclusive), Chaacolate(Exclusive), Storm Tech(Exclusive), Fallen Arbiter(Exclusive), Einherjar(Limited), Storm Jarl(Limited)

    Chang'e: Bright Moon(Recolor), Sun's Bride, Hunter's Moon, Enchanted, Moonlight Love, Lunar Tango(Exclusive), Countless(Exclusive), Intergalactic(Limited).

    Chernobog: Diabol(Recolor).

    Chiron: Sagittarius(Recolor), Chevalier, Hellrider, Constable Moosejaw(Exclusive), Slay Bells(Exclusive), Fabulous(Exclusive), Golden.

    Chronos: Time Lord(Recolor), Fallen Lord, Super Chronos 64(Exclusive), Father Time(Exclusive), NRG(Exclusive), Golden

    Cthulhu: Cosmic Horror, Golden.

    Cu Chulainn: Hound Of Ulster(Recolor), Bruiser, Ba E Watch(Exclusive), Wasterland(Exclusive), Fiendish Rage(Exclusive), Golden

    Cupid: Fortest Nymph(Recolor), Lil' Devil, Loverboy, Lucky Baby Fuwa(Exclusive), Bizzy B(Exclusive), Guttersniper(Exclusive), Heads Over Heels(Exclusive), Trick or Treat(Exclusive), DR. Madlove(Limited).

    Da Ji: Vixen(Recolor), Seductress, Foxy Lady(Exclusive), Sequined Sadist(Exclusive), Senpai(Limited), Golden.

    Danzaburou: Golden.

    Discordia: Rebellious, Clockwork Chaos, Obvlivion Queen(Exclusive).

    Erlang Shen: Illustrious, Monster Trainer(Exclusive), Queen's Guard(Exclusive), Diamon.

    ESet(Isis): Guardian Eternal(Recolor), Scarlet Coven, Desert Omen, Classic Eset, Celestial(Exclusive), Alexandrite(Limited), Shadow(Clan).

    Fafnir: Covetous(Recolor), Dread-Lord, GriffindWard(Limited).

    Fenrir: Frostfang(Recolor), Metal Carnage, Iron Maw, Wreck The Halls(Exclusive), Lord Slashington III(Exclusive), Ragnarok(Exclusive), Wolf Man(Exclusive), Inu Gami(Exclusive), Golden, Diamond.

    Freya: Northern Lights(Recolor), Frost Maiden, Valkyrie, Pixel Buster(Exclusive), All For One!(Exclusive), Get Served(Exclusive), Ordo Aurora(Exclusive).

    Ganesha: Ganpati, Maha Rakta, Primal Shaman(Exclusive), DJ OHM(Limited), Plushie(Limited), Pure Heart(Limited).

    Geb: Molten Fury(Recolor), G.E.B. 1 Life's Beach(Exclusive), SnowMan(Exclusive), DruidStone(Exclusive).

    Gilgamesha: Crimson King(Recolor).

    Guan Yu: Unstoppable Blade(Recolor), Master Guan **, Convention 2014(Exclusive), Grim Horseman(Exclusive), Guan Unicorn(Limited), Gladiator(Limited), Golden

    Hachiman: Shogun(Recolor), Oni Musha(Exclusive).

    Hades: BloodFire(Recolor), Classic Hades, Soultaker, Grim Wraith(Exclusive), Heebee Chibi(Exclusive), Ragnarok(Limited).

    He bo: Cascade(Recolor), He Bro, Infinity Wave(Exclusive), The Sydney Shredder(Exclusive), Lord of the Amazon(Exclusive), Pixel Rush(Exclusive).

    Heimdarlls: Night Watch(Recolor).

    Hel: Sugar And Spice(Recolor), Solstice, Sexpelled, Jingle Hel(Exclusive), Order and Chaos(Exclusive).

    Hera: Crimson Queen(Recolor), Battle Queen(Exclusive).

    Hercules: Lion Of Olympus(Recolor), Grand Slam, Legion, Derpules(Exclusive), La Roca(Exclusive), Hunkules(Exclusive), Retrocles(Limited), Vanguard(Limited).

    Horus: Rightful Heir(Recolor).

    Hou Yi: SunBreaker(Recolor), Moon's Groom, Searing Sun, Hou Ru Kai, Grim Eclipse(Exclusive), Heaven's Arrow(Exclusive), Handsome Hunter(Exclusive), Sylvan Sentinel(Exclusive), Iron Crow(Limited), Golden, Diamond.

    Hun Batz: Red Demon(Recolor), Shaolin Monk-ey, Space Monkey, Howler Demon, Hun.Bat(Exclusive), Midgardian Macaque(Limited), Golden.

    Izanami: Dark Matron(Recolor), BloodThirster, Plague-Bearer(Exclusive), Dreadful Doll(Exclusive), Mummified(Exclusive), Shadows Stalker(Exclusive), Golden.

    Janus: Gatekeeper, Jandroid, RiftShaker, KeyMaster(Exclusive), Ba5s Drop(Exclusive), WorldWalker(Exclusive), Crash Test(Limited).

    Jing Wei: Reborn(Recolor), Mini Metal, Storm Raven, Pool Party(Exclusive), Fiendish Flight(Exclusive).

    Jormungandr: Ouroboros(Recolor).

    Kali: Demon Slayer(Recolor), Crimson Death, Convention 2013(Exclusive), Trophy Hunter(Exclusive), SkaliWag(Exclusive), Exterminator(Exclusive), Safe Breaker(Exclusive), Valkalli(Limited), Blood Jar(Limited), Diamond.

    Khepri: Imperator(Recolor), Horned Beetle, Steel Scarab(Exclusive), Hug Bug(Exclusive), LadyBug(Exclusive), Cheef's Special(Exclusive), Convention 2017(Exclusive), Star Eater(Exclusive), Dark Matter(Exclusive), Shadow(Clan).

    King Arthur: Excalibur's Light(Recolor), Pendragon, Golden.

    Kukulkan: Typhoon(Recolor), Sacred Dragon, Classic Ao Kuang, KUKU(Exclusive), Sir Pentsworth IV, Esq.(Exclusive), Quetzakukulkan(Exclusive), Breezy Chibi(Exclusive), Polar Vortex(Exclusive), Void Wyrm(Limited), Dragon's Rage(Limited).

    Kumbhakarna: Rip Van Kumbha(Recolor), Pijama Party, Kumbhalavyan Yeti(Exclusive), Warlod(Exclusive), Spooly Dreams(Exclusive).

    Kuzenbo: Yokozuna(Recolor), Honorbound, Shino-bo, Kaijunbo(Exclusive), Jingle Shells(Exclusive).

    Loki: Ssslither(Recolor), Infiltrator, Joki, Stealthed Slayer, Grim Mariachi(Exclusive), White Death(Exclusive), Loki Charms(Exclusive), Raphael(Exclusive), Radical Raphael(Exclusive), Last Laugh(Limited), Agent of Darkness(Limited), Golden.

    Medusa: Black Gorgon(Recolor), Mortal Coil, Nebula, Brood Mother, Idusa(Exclusive), Idusa Elite(Exclusive), Crystal Gaze(Exclusive), The Frost Gorgon(Exclusive), Sea Maiden(Limited), Golden.

    Mercury: QuickSilver(Recolor), Centurion, Captain Quick, Run.EXE(Exclusive), Prinzefighter(Exclusive), Shaolin Fury(Exclusive), Envyus(Exclusive), Modern Messenger(Exclusive), Rocket Punch(Exclusive), Shadow Step(Exclusive), Michelangelo(Exclusive), Radical Michelangelo(Exclusive), Diamond.

    Merlin: Arcane Advisor(Recolor), Demon's Bane, Wise Wizard(Exclusive), Aang(Exclusive), Avatar Aang(Exclusive), Golden.

    Mulan: Rising Hero(Mulan), Mysterious Warrior(Exclusive).

    Ne Zha: Blue Lotus, CyberPunk, Fire Lord, Critical.DMG(Exclusive), Playmaker(Exclusive), Golden.

    Neith: Mischievous(Recolor), MS. Diagnosis, Worldweaver, Buccaneith(Exclusive), Carnaval Queen(Exclusive), Insta Kill(Exclusive), HaraJuku(Exclusive), Scarlet Dangerfiel(Exclusive), Star Strike(Exclusive), Mystical Defender(Exclusive), Moonlit Scout(Exclusive).

    Nemesis: No Mercy(Recolor), Blind Vengeance, Red Vengeance, Leona JPF(Exclusive), Silent Blade(Exclusive), Vanquisher(Exclusive), Executioner(Limited), Modern Mercenary(Limited), Legendarym, Diamond.

    Nike: Peregrine(Recolor), The Sparrow, Harbringer, Fallen Angel(Exclusive), Conqueror(Limited).

    Nox: Crimson Eclipse, Madame Darkness, BunBun(Exclusive), Heartbreaker(Exclusive), Lady Liberty(Exclusive), Eletronic Dream(Exclusive), Grim Shadow(Limited).

    Nu Wa: Amethyst(Recolor), Dark Summoner, Nice and Naughty(Exclusive), Water Dancer(Exclusive), Nu Horizons(Exclusive), Aurum(Exclusive), Challenger(Exclusive), Ace(Exclusive), Old Wa(Exclusive), Oktoberfest(Exclusive), Empress(Exclusive), Playful Bunny(Exclusive).

    Odin: The Huntsman(Recolor), Mountain Man, Daimyodin, Raven's Throne, Worlds Collide(Exclusive), Pandamonium(Exclusive), Dread Knight(Exclusive), Raven Warlock(Exclusive), Celestial Guard(Limited).

    Olorun: Supreme(Recolor).

    Osiris: Exalted One(Recolor), Lord Of Silence, Frankenhotep(Exclusive), The Re-Animated(Exclusive), Black Knight(Exclusive), Noble Knight(Exclusive), Leonardo(Exclusive), Radical Leonardo(Exclusive), Golden, Diamond.

    Pele: Caldera, Heistblade(Exclusive), Golden.

    Persephone: Witherning Bloom(Recolor).

    Poseidon: The Earthshaker(Recolor), DreadBeard, London Conspiracy(Exclusive), King of the deep(Exclusive), Riptide(Exclusive), Abyssal Sorcerer(Limited).

    Ra: Silve-ra-do(Recolor), Solar Sentinel, Unholy Doodle, Solar Eclipse(Exclusive), Alienware(Exclusive), Ra'merica(Exclusive), Eldritch(Exclusive), Beamy Chibi(Exclusive), Sun.God(Exclusive), Sunstar(Limited), Golden.

    Raijin: Nimbus, Devil Horns, Thunder's Roar, Drumbs Out, Warchief.

    Rama: Valiant One(Recolor), Nature's Guardian, Orbital Strike(Exclusive), The Marsman(Exclusive), Lat Commando(Limited), Golden, Diamond.

    Ratatoskr: Flurry(Recolor), Armored Scurrier, Squirrel Squad, Ragnatoskr(Exclusive), Festive(Exclusive), Eager(Exclusive), Zenko(Exclusive), Legendary, Diamond.

    Ravana: Tyrant(Recolor), Demon King, Rock From Bisrakh(Exclusive), King of the Ring(Limited), Golden.

    Scylla: Tiny Terror(Recolor), Daisy Despair, Lil'Red(Exclusive), Cog Scylla(Exclusive), Child's Play(Exclusive), Prototype(Exclusive), Snow Day(Exclusive), Living Death(Exclusive), Vampiric(Limited), Legendary.

    Serquet: Venom(Recolor), Madame Blade, Desert Queen, DemonSoul, Dread Queen(Exclusive), Kunoichi(Exclusive), Diamond.

    Set: Aureate Usurper(Recolor), Golden, Legendary.

    Skadi: Winter's Wrath(Recolor), Ski Patrol, FrostBoud, Such Cold(Exclusive), Korra(Exclusive), Avatar Korra(Exclusive), DragonKin(Limited), Star Salvager(Limited).

    Sobek: Death Dealer(Recolor), High Seas, Nile Stalker, CrikeyDile(Exclusive), Kaiju(Exclusive), Land Shark(Exclusive), Diamond.

    Sol: SuperNova(Recolor), Polaris, Epsolon(Exclusive), Meltdown(Exclusive), Cosmic(Exclusive), Sweet Tooth(Exclusive), Cherrybomb(Exclusive), Soulless Machine(Limited).

    Sun Wukong: Silver Sage(Recolor), Dark Lord, Heavenly Warlord, Earl Wubert ST. Kongfrey(Exclusive), Abyssal Warrior(Exclusive), Dibatello(Exclusive), Sun Wu Xing(Limited).

    Susano: Scarlet Storm(Recolor), Serpent Slayer, Steel Samurai(Exclusive), Yurei(Exclusive), Titanium Ronin(Exclusive), Zuko(Exclusive), Blue Spirit(Exclusive), SwashBuckler(Limited), Golden, Diamond.

    Sylvanus: Permafrost(Recolor), Deathcap, Season's spirit(Exclusive), High Noon(Exclusive), Bob Ross(Exclusive), Dr. Vanus(Limited), Golden.

    Terra: Firma, Crystalline, Igneous(Exclusive), Spriggan(Exclusive), Dropkick(Exclusive) Golden.

    Thanatos: Soul Harvester, Reaper Tech, Final Boos, Jack The Reaper(Exclusive), Obey(Exclusive), Grim Reaper(Exclusive), Golden, Legendary, Diamond.

    The Morrigan: Scarlet Sorceress(Recolor), Twisted Metal, SPF 666(Exclusive), Rav3n(Exclusive), Woodland Rogue(Limited), Pale Raven(Limited), Diamond.

    Thor: Heavy Metal, Righteous Hammer(Recolor), Blood Eagle, Iron Gamer, Wrath Of Valhalla, Barbarian(Exclusive), Brimstone Demon(Exclusive), Dawn Defender(Exclusive), Ragnarok Force X T5(Limited), Swc 2018 Kingar(Limited), Shadow(Clan), Diamond.

    Thoth: Sanguine Scribe(Recolor), Vizier, Star Cribe(Limited).

    Tiamat: Azure Sea(Recolor).

    Tsukyomi: Lunar Eclipse(Recolor), Bit Slayer.

    Tyr: Dark Judgment(Recolor), Privatyr, King Ar-Tyr, Sock Puppetyr(Exclusive), Convention 2015(Exclusive), Hail to The King(Exclusive), Draco Knight(Exclusive), Shadow(Clan).

    Ullr: Strider(Recolor), The Survivor, Wyrm Slayer, DragonBane(Exclusive), Secret Order(Exclusive), Cutting Edge(Exclusive), Berseker(Limited), FrostFire T5(Limited), Legendarym Diamond.

    Vamana: Divine Protector(Recolor), Lil' Mana, Rakshasa, Cangaceiro(Exclusive), Serenity(Exclusive), Diamond.

    Vulcan: IronSmith(Recolor), Sentry, Warforged, Chef Vulcan, Vulcan p'n Redbeard(Exclusive), Full Metal(Exclusive), BadLands(Exclusive), Diamond.

    Xbalanque: Jungle Beast(Recolor), Shinobalanque, Jaguar Footballer(Exclusive), Jag.RAR(Exclusive), Fire Dancer(Exclusive), SPL2015(NA)(Limited), SPL 2015(EU)(Limited), Golden, Legendary, Diamond.

    Xing Tian: Indomitable(Recolor), Siege Engine, The Undying, Grove Keeper(Exclusive), Iron Tyrant(Limited).

    Yemoja: Healing Water(Recolor), MasterMind(Exclusive).

    Ymir: Obsidian Shard, Digi-Mir 9000, Crystal Colossus, Nuclear Winter(Exclusive), Irezumir(Exclusive), Baron FrostChild(Exclusive), Belly Ache(Exclusive), TItan Forge(Exclusive).

    Zeus: StormBringer, Almighty, Thunderheader(Recorlor), Wrath Of Olympus, Zappy Chibi, Uncle Zeus(Exclusive), Heaven's Rave(Exclusive), Sky Tech(Exclusive), Infernal Lord(Exclusive).
    Zhong Kui: King Of Ghosts(Recolor), G.I.Zhong, Demong Catcher(Exclusive), Golden.

    DISCORD : godzinga#7974
    #1 oldzinga, 12/19/21
    Last edited: 12/19/21
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