MORTAL KOMBAT MOBILE ANDROID ACCOUNT Hey everyone ☺️ AWESOME ANDROID account is available for sale now! All cards in stock maxed out | Reptile BRUTALITY | Shang Tsung BRUTALITY | 492K SOULS | 33 million gold | so many gold characters | all rare equipment cards fusion X | ALL sorcerer's tower equipments fully MAXED (Varan Jacket fusion X WOW!!!) | Survival of Fittest on FULL (Amazing card for survivor mode) | The Joker equipment MAXED! | 100 talent points | original owner ANDROID ONLY DOES NOT WORK WITH iOS Important: All my accounts are safe 99% No one account has been banned FULL ACCESS TO YOUR ACCOUNT Price: $309 Payment methods: PayPal, SKRILL, Webmoney, # (others on request) ️Join my telegram below: Contacts: Telegram: @Kosars1988 WhatsApp: +48722770744 Discord: Sergik#6836 Twitter: @userSergik Reddit: screenshots