Selling  State 675, 151m BP, P2 buildings/troops, chief 53

Discussion in 'State of Survival Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by forcestorm, 11/6/21.

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  1. forcestorm

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    Selling my account since I don't have the time to play the game anymore and would be a waste to just throw it away.

    Chief lvl53
    Solo power: 151,2M
    VIP 7
    HQ and Hero Precinct: Plasma 2
    Troops: All are plasma 2, total 1.2M
    Chief Gear:
    Helm Epic+
    Armor Rare++
    Boots Epic+
    Pads Epic
    Rifle Rare++
    Communicator Rare+++

    Infantry: 2x silver2 and 4x silver 1
    Riders: All Bronze 2
    Hunters: 2x Silver 1 and 4x bronze 2

    Hero Gear:
    Infantry: Helm purple 1star, Chest legendary 4star, boots 2star blue
    Hunter: 4-star blue, 5-star purple, 1-star purple
    Riders: 4-star blue, 1-star purple, 4-star blue.

    Ash Lt. Colonel IV
    Tyler Major V
    Julie Lt. Colonel V
    Daryl - Legendary
    Zoe - Major III
    Maddie - Colonel III

    Others I guess are not that relevant but got them all, skills maxed, lvl max, Wacko, etc.

    Biocaps: ~150k
    Res: ~2bil food/wood, 600m steel, 200m gas
    Training - 13060 minutes
    Healing - 35560 m
    Construction - 69881 m
    Research - 48887 m
    overall spd ups (no restrictions) - 64264 m

    900 chief gear tool, 2.5k glue, 220k alloy etc.
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