Selling  High End  Android  Original Owner (Yes) [GOC] S-70 Seraph V Oracle ( 1444943 BR lvl 84 )

Discussion in 'Guardians of Cloudia Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Simplyhyp, 10/29/21.

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  1. Simplyhyp

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    Hi i'm Hyp,

    Selling my oracle on guardian of cloudia.

    The google account is fresh and used only from GOC.

    This account used a referral cashback code from Huawei Appgallery, so if you plan on buy dia, dl the game from appgallery.

    Price is set up to 700 ( less than 50% of the account spending ) and it's negociable.

    This character got every elite beast 1st server kill badge + all ancient kill from the server merging.
    - Monthly pass are still up
    - Activity pass is paid
    - Tower pass is paid too
    - Clearing the Maze without any difficulty
    - Valkyrie rune / Denis and Dracula Fancy
    - Formidable on martial last season close to dominant

    Hyp1.jpg Hyp2.jpg Hyp3.jpg Hyp4.huawei.jpg Hyp5.jpg Hyp6.jpg Hyp1.jpg Hyp2.jpg Hyp3.jpg Hyp4.huawei.jpg Hyp5.jpg Hyp6.jpg

    If you have any questions feel free to add me on discord : HYP#3113

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    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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