Selling  1-48 Hours Any Server everything you need

Discussion in 'Final Fantasy XIV FFXIV Power Leveling - Buy Sell Trade' started by espmiku, 10/25/21.

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  1. espmiku

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    Hello everyone,

    Professions Boost - High quality service and the cheapest price - Focus on FFXIV

    We are a close-knit raid group (8 men) that have been progging and selling content for a long time. We pride ourselves for the professionalism and privacy in all our deals with the customer. We take care of your account with the utmost confidentialy and safety possible.

    Datacenters available for raid boosting services:
    Aether Primal
    Crystal Element

    Overall boosting services (leveling,farms, msq, side content):
    Available in all NA and EU and JP servers.

    We are a close-knit group with experience to ensure your contentment and a good experience.We will touch nothing and speak to no one

    All our services are 100% handmade by professional players (We DO NOT use any kind of rotational #, teleport, #, or gcd hacks that put your account at risk)

    Here is a list of what we sell:
    Eden's Promise Savage E9-12S
    Delubrum Reginae (Savage) 48man -> Cerberus Mount
    Old Savage Raids
    Bluemage Mount (Morbol mount)
    Bluemage Spells
    Epic of Alexander Ultimate (TEA)
    Unending Coil of Bahamut (Ucob)
    Weapon's Refrain (UwU)
    Custom Orders
    Other stuff, titles, achievements, add me and feel free to ask.

    Payments are done via Paypal as Goods and Services with buyer protection, we pay the taxes so you will never pay more than I ask!

    If you are interested in trying us or simply want to ask for more informations, add me on Discord Oz#2913 and we will talk about any doubts you may have.
    We provide price matching system!

    Players that are providing boosting service/powerleveling are located in the Japan and Asia,we can also use VPNs

    If the account is suspended during services requested and ample proof is provided, we will compensate you with a partial or full refund based on the amount of completion.
    #1 espmiku, 10/25/21
    Last edited: 10/30/21
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