145m K31 with balanced built primarily for PVP. Small PVE potential. 3 marches un-boosted. Wonder Level 1 with monarch glory unlocked. Monarch Level 31. VIP 15. Main Attack Generals: Trajan (600% attack). Barbossa as secondary. Main Defense General: Ly (trap general) for SVS and Richard for KE (1.2m hospital capacity). Current Rank: Archduke Subs: 1 x Gold Korea, 1 x Gold Europe, 4 x Purple Korea, 2 x Blue Korea Sub Generals: 2 x Arminius, 2 x Cixi, 3 x Nero, 1 x Harald, 1 x Mansa Growth: 5 x Jindeoks, fully booked and geared - 4 hour completion time for 14 tile. 2 x Baibars, 2 x Cleo built for faster marching. Can gather 2b rss / week easily whilst still participating in rallies. 95% of generals already leveled to monarch level and fully booked. Senior keep and hospital duty officer. The server has 95% harmony and good unity. Consistent rules. Norway skin unlocked. Currently in an extremely active and server leading alliance.