Selling  High End New World Max Level / Unlimited Resources / Skills and more

Discussion in 'New World Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by NewWorldGod, 10/11/21.

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  1. NewWorldGod

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    New World Max Level / Unlimited Resources / Skills and more.

    We will use a middleman for this for safety as I'm new here and want to prove I'm no scammer!

    I will be modding your new world account. I will need access to your steam account Depending on what you want my service takes a minimum of 30 minutes to an hour max. Thats with no queue time. Below I will list most of what you will get, but long story short you will be maxed out everywhere and have unlimited resources.

    -Player level Max Level 60

    - All Skills maxed at level 200

    - All weapons maxed at level 20

    - Unlimited Skill points

    - Unlimited resources

    - Unlimited resources in storage

    - Carry Capacity of 5,000 weight

    - No story or mission progression so you can carry where you left off

    - Set gold to any amount

    - Max Faction XP

    - Set Faction points to any amount

    - Instant gathering / Skinning / Chopping / Mining / Everything

    - Set stats to your liking with unlimited points

    - Undetected and safe. You will not be banned, and nobody would know your account was even modded unless you told them.

    Discord Hanzo#5541
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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