Selling  Semi Fresh - Global End Game account with almost 1500 characters and 45+ golden accessories

Discussion in 'Bleach Brave Souls Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Dante2319, 10/10/21.

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  1. Dante2319

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    End Game account with almost 1500 characters and 40+ golden accessories. Can easily clear all hard mode GQ in under 30 seconds including Espada and Captain week. And can clear easy mode in under 5 seconds. I have been in S league guilds since Guild was a function. For PvP easily Captain rank with 5/5 PvP characters.(All golden chappies I have for easy carry) This account also has 8000+ orbs to farm from story. For any more information or if you want to buy contact me on Discord. The reason I am selling my personal account is because I don't have a lot of time to play the game. So I want someone who is as enthusiastic and loves bleach as I do.

    Discord Tag : Dante#9806

    Screenshot_20211008-083418_0b328e9d141c7be6b936a38547964056__01__01.jpg Screenshot_20211008-083423_0b328e9d141c7be6b936a38547964056__01.jpg
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