Selling  PC  Premium  1-24 Hours SELLING RANKED, SFA, FA, NFA, OF ACCOUNTS

Discussion in 'Minecraft Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by eDanth, 10/4/21.

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  1. eDanth

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    Selling minecaft accounts. Prices below.

    Ranked accounts - $4 per 1
    Optifine cape account - $5 per 1
    FA account (you can access mail attached to it also!) - $8 per 1
    SFA account - $2.50 per 1 - Min order 10
    NFA account - $2 per 50 - Min order 500
    I accept PayPal, my discord is Dante#7697

    List below if you don't know what the accounts mean

    FA - full access account, meaning you have access to the mail attached to the account and more, this account can be used as a main account

    SFA - semi full access account, you can change password, skin, etc. but not email, can be used as a main account, if you want.

    NFA - not full access account, you cant change password, you cant change skin, this account type is mainly used for cheating / and other stuff, not recommended to use as a main account

    Optifine cape account - self explanatory, you get an account with optifine cape attached to it so you can transfer the cape to your main account; the account you get with the cape can be either SFA or FA so you can keep it.

    Ranked account - Hypixel ranked account - this account can have either VIP, VIP+, MVP, MVP+, or even MVP++. The account can be NFA, SFA, FA. Sometimes it has a rank on other servers also.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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