Selling  10-24 Games  Global  High End Stacked Nintendo switch account with a lot of games

Discussion in 'Nintendo Switch Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by IAmGandalf, 9/30/21.

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  1. IAmGandalf

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    Hi guys this will be my second account I’m selling to someone who wishes to have it

    The games included are

    Alien isolation for Nintendo switch game runs great steady 30fps and the graphics are better then the base model PS4 and Xbox one

    CupHead a beautiful work of art side scrolling shooting game short and sweet must play must have game

    Recently purchased Hades the best roguelike I ever played

    South Park fractured but whole
    And more

    Fortnite account included with the recent battle pass and a dog skin I bought both for 19.99 so if you want that as well I can send you the details and

    I have more games but those are the games that really stand out

    If your interested contact me on Reddit app or website my username is DarkLordRisen22
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