Selling  51-75 Heroes  51-75 Skins  Both Android/iOS Has 63 heroes and 58 skins

Discussion in 'Mobile Legends Accounts for Sale - Buy and Sell' started by Propeople, 9/12/21.

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  1. Propeople

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    My Location:
    Price $:
    Buy Now Link:
    Buy Now
    Status : Monsep
    HERO = 63
    SKIN = 58
    Q: Ready, min?
    A: Yep.
    Q : For Android/IOS?
    A: All can.
    Q : How about skin, hero, tier, diamond, BP, etc, min?
    A : In general, it's already in the image (slide image), more specific ones (fragment, emoticon, recall effect, etc.) will soon be overhauled/added.
    Q : Safe, min?
    A: Safe and reliable
    Q : What time do you open, min?
    A : 09.00 - 21.00
    Q: How come I can't chat?
    A : Chat can only be done when you have bought it, this is because of an update from Itemku.
    Q : What Alkos/Monsep YES?
    A : Alkos = All empty (usually bind using vk from the buyer), Monsep = Moonton email package (can change Moonton email).
    Q : CN (Change Name)/CF (Change Flag) Random, what do you mean, min?
    A : There are accounts whose CN/CF is ON, some are OFF (assume OFF, if ON means lucky).
    Q : Where is the data sent and what is the guide, min?
    A : Very complete data and guides will be sent via chat (after buying).
    Q: After receiving and securing the data, what else, min?
    A : Confirm DONE and give a REVIEW on My Items.

    Contact me
    email : [email protected]
    whatsapp : +629655272323 image_2021-09-13_095253.png image_2021-09-13_095309.png image_2021-09-13_095322.png image_2021-09-13_095334.png image_2021-09-13_095355.png
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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