TOP WAR - LVL 80 Combat Elite

Discussion in 'Top War Battle Game Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Madoremk, 8/29/21.

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  1. Madoremk

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    Labor Day Weekend Sale $1000

    Buy this account and you'll automatically be one of the top players in this young server. This server is only a couple months old.

    There are two accounts - both at level 69, but the other account is only VIP 5, only a 3 star Kat. Didn't spend much on this account, but it does have a ton of gems. I don't play this one much.

    The main is account is dialed in with a great alliance. Until the server merge we are the top alliance. Lots of benefits with this group, they are very helpful and fun to play with. VIP 9

    This is a ARMY ACCOUNT ONLY- I have not leveled anything up for navy or airforce. I only built the training centers to get quests completed.

    5 Star Katyusha - Level 120 - I have two level 4 shards for her elite skill, i have her running with +14 marches and a level 5 ATK which increase ATK by 45%

    5 Star Bumble Bee - Level 105 - Bee came in the latest event, he has no special skills

    4 Star Ben - Level 92 (Working on this now) - I have his exclusive skill at level 3 - March +12 , ATK Level 5 (Yeah, 2 level 5 ATK and 1 level 4!!!!!). even at 4 stars he hits harder than Bee at 5.

    4 Star Bradley - Level 100 - Best Defender in the game. Exclusive skil at level 4

    3 Star Li Hongyu - Level 60 - paris well with Kat

    2 Star Ganso - He's navy, but i got his skill level to 3 which gives him increased gathering speed by 15%!!!!

    2 Star Diana - She's my go to Dark Force Killer, she does everything for Less VIT - BEST HERO IN THE GAME!!

    2 Star Kuruzo - He's a giver- 32 New units everymorning. Get him to 5 stars and get 80+

    I was top 5 in the first Capital Event

    I'm always top 10 in WC, WB Hits

    Nobody messes with me. I have a good reputation in the game, I've never illegally hit anyone.

    My gold mine is trailing a couple levels behind, but my barracks will be caught up next level. My base is clean, I have a ton of decor, which gives a ton of upgrades to the units. My training speed is like 10 hours!!

    This game was played on IOS, I have it backed up to a twitter account, which was set up with a gmail acct.
    I will give you the accounts and password for the email, the twitter and from their you'll be able to activate the acct on top war. You can then change the passwords on the email and twitter for your protection.

    When you hit 70, 75 and 80 you'll get a lot of gems, I currently have a montly pass for a third march. Check out the images, let me know if you have any questions.

    Contact me with any questions. Willing to negotiate.

    Cap Finish.jpg VIP9.jpg more decore.jpg Upgrades.jpg TANKS.jpg decor.jpg Hero 2.jpg WC.jpg Hero 1.jpg Inv.jpg Comps.jpg Hero 3.jpg Alliance Rank.jpg my base.jpg Gems.jpg island attack.jpg kat.jpg bee.jpg Ben.jpg Bradley.jpg Elements.jpg Formations.jpg Combat progress.jpg
    #1 Madoremk, 8/29/21
    Last edited: 9/3/21
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