Selling  Japan  Linked  Android  Average [Japan] Epic Seven Rank 70. 10ML5 , All Limited but 1.

Discussion in 'Epic Seven Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell Epic7 Account' started by Yunihapira, 8/11/21.

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  1. Yunihapira

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    ML 5*: F.Lidica, Ruele, 2* D.Corvus, A.Ravi, F.Cecilia, 2*A.Vildred, J.Kise, ML Ken, ML Tywin, ML Haste
    Limited: All (including Rem and Emilia) except Elphalt
    ML 4*: T.Surin, C.Dom
    5*: All except Ludwig, Kayron, Baal, Sez, Ken, Aramintha, Chloe, Violet, Pavel, Ray, Mot, Senya, Ervalen, Bomber Kanna
    Spec Change: A.Momo, F.Kluri

    Can Auto Wyvern 13 with 80% success rate.
    Can Auto Golem 13 with 100% success rate, but on the slower end.

    Guild Attack Comp Build:
    - D.Corvus, Cerise (249 Speed), Healer
    - C.Dom, F.Lidica (223 Speed), Lilibet

    55 5* Artifacts (Ask if I have what you want, probably should)
    Don't have all the limited artifacts like Nekros and Undine

    3.4k skystones
    No Mystic
    No Moonlight Tokens
    1.5k Covenant Summons

    No name change available
    Already linked. You can change the stove password but I'll give you my discord in case you need me to verify anything through email.

    Arti.png Ravi.png

    Ask if you have any questions. Discord Yasutsuna#5018

    Would prefer payment through PayPal but we can discuss.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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