Selling  Android and iOS  High End Qtarian Mothership LVL11 - Ultimate P2W

Discussion in 'Pixel Starships Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by BattleshipCobra, 8/3/21.

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  1. BattleshipCobra

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    Hi guys, I played PSS all day every day for a long time and got to Legend, fought for Trek Federation (top three fleets at the time), won some tournaments, etc. I decided to stop playing and now I would like to sell my ship. I've got a ton of stuff, I was P2W so the list is very good.

    Lvl 11 Qtarian (this was the highest at the time I stopped playing)

    All weapons systems (except cloak I didn't get into that strat)

    Lots of P2W / Dove rooms like Coal Reactor, Visiri Mechbay, Zongzi Factory, Ghostly Factory, PAD, K Blaster, Sterilizer, MML, Turkey Hangar, Fusion Drive Engine, Lunar College, Serious Workshop, all bedrooms (Aquarium Lvl 2), etc.

    Most armour + lifts maxed out, most rooms maxed out.

    So much crew:
    ** I was planning my prestiges but quit just before actually doing it, so this is your benefit with lots of good lvl 40s **

    - Taura (lvl 40) x 3
    - Lollita (lvl 40) x 2
    - Squid (lvl 40)
    - Mistycball (lvl 40)
    - Huge (lvl 40)
    - Xin (lvl 40)
    - Sparko (lvl 40)
    - Mr. Coconut (lvl 40)
    - Bogan (lvl 40)
    - Timber (lvl 40)
    - Admiral Serena (lvl 40)
    - Zhuge Liang (lvl 40)
    - Drogon (lvl 40)
    - Sagita (lvl 40)
    - Leo (lvl 40)
    - Virgo (lvl 40)
    - Phoenix (lvl 40)
    - Firenz (lvl 40
    - Namith (lvl 40)
    - Roborob (lvl 40)
    - Rocky (lvl 40)
    - Green Ranger (lvl 40)

    Not lvl 40 but included: Harmony Dragon (37), Taura (another 37), Jaiden (35), Scorpio (34), Xeon (28), Polar Bear (22), Daft Kittus (13), Alpaco (23), Ryzen (23), Visiri Alchemist (27), Lyu Bu (35), Princess Vega (12)

    Tons of gear:
    - Energy Barrier x 5
    - 2020 Class A Helmet MKIII (+4 HP)
    - Blue Helmet
    - Blue Leggings x 2
    - Snowball Launcher x 2
    - Toast Cat x 2
    - Riot Shield x 3
    - Gravity Loader x 3
    - Elite Raider Mask x 3
    - Aimbot Pro x 3
    - Champion Lance (+8 SCI)
    - Large Axe
    - Visiri Gunner Helm II
    - Anonymous Mask
    - Xmas Helm MK. II
    - Heavy Assault Helm
    - Blue Officer Uniform
    - Tin Armor
    - Blue Armor (+11 SCI)
    - Tin Leggings x 3
    - Fit Fist x 3
    - Mag Loader Pro x 6
    - Aimbot x 5
    - Concrete Barrier x 7
    - Succulent x 2
    - Bricks x 10

    I was a very serious player, I'm ready to get entirely out of the game now. This is an amazing way to kick off your game, you can rocket right to the upper levels. Or if you have been struggling to find the time to plan your renovations my ship has 90% of them already done. I literally planned out a spreadsheet and in many cases just paid to finish construction.
    I loved the game, enjoyed it, but I'm not going back.

    Let me know if you have any questions.

    1.png 2.png 3.png 4.png 5.png

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