Selling an account 29 server

Discussion in 'Kiss of War Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by GoldWolf88, 7/19/21.

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  1. GoldWolf88

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    My Location:
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    I will sell an account of 60m+ power, 65m+ killer, country Germany, VIP 13. The account has:


    - - 7 gold officers maxed out (Catherine, Grace, Natalia, Doriana, Chloe, Jessica, Diana), there are also all the gold officers that can be found in the game.
    - All purple officers are fully upgraded


    - 6 golden weapons ( 3 Springfields, 1 Kar98k, 1 MG42, 1 StG 44)
    - - lots of green, blue and purple weapons
    - - there are 9.4 auction coins available

    - Sims-Level 7
    -Porter-Level 2

    Buildings and science are fully pumped

    Registration of the #:
    Body of hearts, secret war, twilight city, ice fortress, sakura city, mysterious pyramid, steam city, volcanic castle.

    To date, there are 868k t5 troops, after the end of the SVS, another 500k t5 and t4 troops will be returned.

    The account has 500k of food and steel, 1.7 B of oil and 200k+ of gold. There are also a few resources in the backpack. Lots of collection and war buffs, 147 shields for 8 hours, mobilization of unit production.
    5 gold weapon reforging chests and 26 purple weapon reforging chests. There are action points and teleports of different types.

    Photos are attached, for more information, please contact privat or discord Gold_Wolf#5957
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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