Selling    Guardians of Cloudia Oracle TOP10, 700k BR Legend 3 Rank, Angel pet

Discussion in 'Guardians of Cloudia Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Jookkeee, 7/7/21.

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  1. Jookkeee

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    Hi, selling my oracle due to lack of time. I have the angel pet level 140, ascension 11, female character.

    here you can go full dps, heal or both, as oracles is considered the best class in the game.

    I am the cluster of server 13, 14 and 15,

    I have not created an account on this account, so here the buyer is free to have whatever they want, screenshoot will come soon. Send me message on discord or here for info

    asking price is 300+ USD, open for bids, I have spent way over 1000 USD on this account, so 1/4th of the price is more than fair. PM me

    Discord: Jokez#1357
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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