Selling   PC  Mihoyo   Original Owner (Yes) [Any Region] Starter Account - AR16(Expedition Unlocked) with 35 - 40 rolls

Discussion in 'Genshin Impact Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by budgethvick225, 6/28/21.

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  1. budgethvick225

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    My Location:
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    I will make the account on any region you wish, up to AR16(to unlock the expedition) with 35 or more rolls on the account so you can get some pulls to start on if you don't want to waste your time starting the game and playing hours and hours.
    How can I get the account?
    I start the process by making a mihoyo account, start playing on it while meeting the requirements, and when the account is ready to go and be claimed I change the mihoyo account email to yours (basically full ownership)
    Can you not set the birthday(So I can set it to mine?)
    I will not set the birthday to anything so no need to worry about that.
    Can I change my name?
    Yes, you will be able to change your name
    Can I have a special request for an order I wish to make?
    Depends on the request, contact me in the private messages!
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