Selling  High End  50k Stats 100mCP with mules 9K Legion (Reboot Kronos)Acct Hayato Main (lv275)

Discussion in 'Maplestory Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by MeekhaVlad, 3/5/25 at 11:45 AM.

  1. MeekhaVlad

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    With 600 nodestone pieces in storage

    FS>Account Hayato main (lv275) 50k stats 100mCP with 9K Legion mules (Hayato)
    The gear with the red box is the 20 star one RoR4 Hex stats Max both 1st and 2nd hex stats, both level 20 The gear is 17 stars - 20 stars Good Flames
    I have plenty of spare arcane gear for Starforce FS>Account 9k Legion Hayato main 50k stats Hayato level 275 48k stats Can solo up to Tough Will Arcane Symbol 1350 (max) Holy Symbol 310 WSE: weapon 33% att /7% Boss Damage Secondary: 30% att Emblem: 30%att Has top Gollux set Good internal skill 20% boss/7% abnormal stat damage/35% buff duration Full Arcane gear (30% STR shoulder, 30% STR cloak, 26% STR shoes, 8% crit dmg gloves) With nx items

    Battlemage Lv260 (6th job done) 15000 stats, can fight solo up to normal Lotus and normal Damien 1.1b per week/weekly bosses

    Hero Lv22x 10000 stats, can fight for 4 gates

    Nightlord Lv260 (6th job done) 16000 stats with best throwing star in the game. Can play solo up to Lotus Normal and Damien Normal 1.1b per week/weekly bosses

    Shade Lvl 260 lvl 260 (6th job done) 15.5k Stats Can play solo up to Easy Lucid/Slime Normal 1.1b per week/weekly bosses

    Have all classes up to level 200 so you can check which skills from the 5th character job fit your game

    Have not claimed the Sprout Box (level 30 guide reward)

    Have all important link skills level 3

    Have all important legion blocks
    (Zero 10% EXP) (Shade 5% crit dae) (Hayato 6% crit dae) (Blaster 5% ignore def) (Corsair 10% summon duration) (Demon Avenger 5% boss dae) (Kanna 5% boss dae) (Marksman 4%crit (Mechanic: 20% buff duration) (Mercedes: -5% cd reduction)
    (Night Lord: 4% crit chance)(Ghost: 4% meso rate) (Lyn: 5% defense ignorance) (WildHunter: 20% chance to deal increased damage when attacking) Abyssal Expedition Lock +35 att/matt Event Only Legion Lock (Special lock via event)
    OG owner
    can also give you OG email

    screenshots for more information discord gmail: mhauescarl
    [email protected]